………………………….”Twisted Sister” is the name I gave this Torsade after the Heavy Metal Group, not that I’m a follower…..just liked the name…LOL…….However, QVC wasn’t all that keen on my amusing, tongue in cheek name, so they are calling it the interlocking or entwined, or something like that necklace…….What ever the name, this is one fabulous piece of jewelry. The one above has small BLACK JET FACETED GLASS BEADS “entwined” with SILVER GLASS FACETED BEADS…..and if that wasn’t enough there are small silver disc shaped beads scattered throughout so there is no doubt that this is a DESIGNER NECKLACE!……….Also included with this magnificent piece is a small silver, slightly domed, pierced earring. There is a large Lobster Claw closing with a three inch extender so you can wear it at the length you choose [the two middle photos at the extreme left illustrate the shortest and longest lengths]. Under the TUXEDO JACKET with the SEQUIN PANT or with the BLACK BLAZER a pencil skirt and an ivory blouse……..or with a simple BLACK DRESS this will add so much to complete your look……..There will be no doubt that you know how to dress to your full advantage. A woman with sophistication and CLASS!………………..The best thing is you don’t have to buy any new clothes to look updated when you are wearing this TORSADE, which is now posted on my QVC jewelry site…………………………………………………..enjoy……………………much Love………………….Louis

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Somersault

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!! Your Holiday Jewelry Collection is SPECTACULAR!!!!!!!!!! To pick and chose will be a very difficult decision! I am in love! Thank you, Louis. oxoxox Cat

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