May Sneak Peek #3 is my A224713, FLORAL PRAIRIE SKIRT. There are many many floral prints out there this season, but this, as far as I’m concerned, is the absolute prettiest. It comes from my ARCHIVES, and I originally purchased it in Italy. The colors are CORAL,  NAVY and TURQUOISE. Each coloration is totally different which makes each skirt unique. The fabric is exactly like my BOHO….with the crinkle georgette and the full liner in the knit. I keep going back to this fabric combination because, IMHO, there is nothing better. It is comfortable in the hottest conditions….easy to care for and is great to travel with. The skirt has a full elastic waist so what ever size you order in the Boho….order the same in this skirt. This is a MAXI skirt so the length is 35 1/2 inches. For some it will need to be shortened…….there are TWO ways to shorten this skirt and any seamstress or tailor can do it. The first way is from the top which will leave the two bottom ruffles undisturbed. The second way….is from the bottom. The bottom ruffle is approx. 9 inches long. You can shorten it any amount you need to. DO NOT WORRY about it looking strange. If all you have left of the bottom ruffle is 1 to  2 inches it will look like a trim. It really doesn’t matter if you have a 3, 4, or 5 inch bottom ruffle….it will just look like it was meant to be that way…..who is going to know?? It will be fine!! There are so many colors in each print that picking a top will be easy. All of the above tanks are Linea…the navy is the A221977….I told all of you in Jan when it was first presented it was going to be an important piece going forward…..but….if you don’t have or can’t get any of the above do not worry…..my next sneak peek will take care of that………….

I think you will truly enjoy wearing this skirt and bringing a smile to everyone’s face who sees you in it………..they just won’t be able to help themselves…..it’s that kind of print………Enjoy, much Love, Louis

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Hi Everyone,
We are back from our travels and my shows at QVC UK, and we couldn’t be happier to be home. We had a SUPER great time in Paris and Jac showed me all the places she worked and I showed her all the places I ATE! For three days we walked PARIS and walked our feet off. We saw a lot…. did a lot….and ate a lot. No time to rest…. I now have to prepare for my May 11th shows. A BIG HEADS UP….the print maxi dress will not be on my regular show!!!! It will be on the noon Q CHECK….just before my 1pm show. I still have “SNEAK PEEKS” to post, and after the shows…..when things quiet down…I will post my new “POST CARDS” from Paris and a few from London too. A quick story….on our last day in Paris we were walking on the Rue de Rivoli [not sure if I spelled that correctly]….a very famous street in Paris with lots of shops. I saw some berets in new colors and decided to pick some up. When I got back to the hotel I looked at my new finds….only to find out…FRENCH BERETS….were made in CHINA…..is NOTHING SACRED?!!!!!…..much Love Louis