A223652, the black lace jacket is now posted for ordering. I know many of you have been patiently waiting for this to come back after your wait list orders were canceled. It is now avail!

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Coming in May, I will be bringing to you a choice of THREE WATCHES. The style number for all three is ….J277865……….You will choose, from the top down……IVORY……….TORTOISE………CLEAR………….. You could consider these BOYFRIEND WATCHES, because of the larger case. Each watch will have an extender link. The exact measurements will be listed when the watch is posted on the LINEA JEWELRY site. ……………Instead of doing three different colors or shades of tortoise, I thought it would be more EXCITING to offer you three totally DIFFERENT MATERIALS…………………..scroll down for more pictures of each watch……………………………………………………………………………….enjoy………..much Love………………………Louis

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J277865……………is the TORTOISE WATCH………….the details of each watch are beautiful, with everything a really good watch should have. If you are a TORTOISE lover, as I am, you will love this watch. Since it will probably be a long time before I do another Tortoise watch, it was very important to me that this one was RIGHT!  There is a picture on the bottom right of the watch on Jac’s wrist to give you a good idea of the size and proportion……the extender link has been removed. The face of the watch has too many details to mention… is somewhat mesmerizing. The trims are GOLD and the face is a warm COPPERY BROWN. Besides all the neutrals, Espresso, Walnut, Sage, Olive, Navy, Charcoal Grey, White, Tan, Chino etc……that it will work with……. it looks terrific with the FIESTA colors…….Nectarine, Aqua, Lime………it has a THOROUGHBRED LOOK……………Classic & Classy……………scroll down for more pictures……………………………………………………………..Enjoy………………much Love……………………….Louis

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J277865………… the IVORY WATCH……………….First, let me say, I could nor capture the actual color of the ivory in the photographs. The flash kept bleaching the color of the ivory. Think of old ivory or ANTIQUE IVORY that has a marvelous yellowed PATINA. The color reminds me of PANAMA STRAW HATS. The trims, as the tortoise, are GOLD and all of the details are the same. There is an OLD WORLD look to this watch……like something you would find in an Antique store or at an ESTATE SALE………………………….enjoy………………much Love……………………Louis

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J277865, is the CLEAR WATCH……..Here is the third and final combination………..If you love the look of LUCITE, this is for you……..ATTENTION………..THE TRIMS ARE SILVER!!!! I tried and tried photographing this watch with different backgrounds, but the metal always looked gold……………… is NOT…………..SILVER, SILVER, SILVER & CLEAR. When you are wearing a color, that nothing seems to be right with………like many pastel colors……..this will be the perfect watch to wear…………when you are wearing a Black and white outfit and maybe a gray tank……this will be the perfect watch to wear. Silver and Lucite was first made popular during the ART DECO period, when everything was sleek and modern………………. it was a revolution…………. This is a very SPECIAL look, and one that has to be done correctly  to look expensive…………………………………….I think this is IT!……………………………………………enjoy…………………….much Love…………………………….Louis

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