The KIMONO JACKET, A235322, also comes in a beautiful deep saturate shade of …………FUCHSIA…………………………………….In the photos above you can easily see the weave and texture of the fabric. I have the FUCHSIA KIMONO shown three different ways……worn with a BLACK TANK and my IVORY CREPE PANT, A232347, perfect for right now………a BLACK TANK and the new FUCHSIA STRIATED JERSEY SKIRT……………and worn over all BLACK….a TANK and CAPRI PANTS………….I am sure you will find many ways to mix other colors and prints with this FUCHSIA jacket. When adding a third color to the Fuchsia jacket and a black or white pant, just match your accessories to the third color to pull it all together or to your bottom color……It usually always works…………scroll down for more…………enjoy………….Love…………..Louis