The second color combination for the J278123, SEED BEAD NECKLACE is “MULTI”………or something like that??? as you can see there are ….gold…..copper…..green….blue….AND…..red glass seed beads. The amazing thing about this necklace in this coloration is……it seems to work with almost anything and it really looks great with many prints……..such as the Phoenix Bird print…..for one. Again, the metal bars and closings are plated in CHOCOLATE. Some of the photos show the necklace single and some are doubled………I happen to love the J271863, earring shown above with this necklace, or the J270116, CHANDELIER EARRING that also works perfectly with this necklace color……The two color tops on the left are the new faux washed silk tanks in CHERRY and OCEAN BLUE…..coming on the 30th…………………………………………………….enjoy……………..Love……………Louis