…………..A239319, the TUNIC SWEATER in PEACOCK is fabulous………the color is….. DEEP……RICH……and SATURATED……….This combination of nylon and acrylic takes color beautifully. The nylon has a shine to it while this particular acrylic yarn is matte……the contrast creates a wonderful textured effect. Above, I have the outfit office ready with just my black acrylic/wool pencil skirt…..black tights and a black SUEDE shoe boot would finish the “look” beautifully. Add a beautiful contour slung belt for yet another way to go. In the evening switch into a pair of black velvet slim pants and velvet ballet flats and you are ready to party. I guarantee….not only will you be the best dressed woman in the room….but the most COMFORTABLE! That is a winning combination. The sweater should be the focal point…..it IS the jewelry……………………………………………………………………………..
…………………………………………………..Happy Holidays………..much Love………………………………….Louis