It has come to my attention that some are still having trouble tying the Lariat………so here is a step by step instruction on the best way to wear it….without it slipping.
Follow the photos from Left to Right:
1- Double the chain and wrap around neck
2-Slide the two orbs through the loop created by the double chain
3- Bring the two orbs up and under the chain, creating another LOOP.
4-Bring the two ors over the chain and down through the new loop
5-Gently pull the two orbs to create the knot
Once this is done the knot will prevent the chain from sliding up or down. You can also wear the Lariat at step two, but it may slide up and down. Let me know if there are any further questions……………..
……………………………………enjoy your Lariats……….they make a terrific present, and no sizes to worry about………….much Love………………………..Louis