Hi everyone …….Jac and I are still here in PA, and last night we went to the movies to see “The Finest Hours”. It stars Chis Pine. We absolutely LOVED it!….Jac informed me that the movie only got 2 1/2 stars, and the reviews weren’t good. Actually, the action scenes out at sea were highly acclaimed, and frankly I am surprised this movie wasn’t nominated for an Acadmy Award for the special effects which were incredible…..What the critics didn’t like was Chris Pine’s performance. Jac and I agreed that EVERYTHING the critics didn’t like we did. This is a true story that took place in the winter of 1952. If anyone knows older New Englanders, they would know they are somewhat old school, and keep their business to themselves and their emotions. We felt Pine’s portrayal of this hero was very real and true to who and how these people would have behaved and acted at that time. Since this is a true story and many of the people involved are still alive, I am sure research was done on the character of the people portrayed. We seldom make our decisions to see a movie or not by critics reviews. If we did we would have missed some wonderful movies. That said we highly recommend this movie, and decide for yourselves how many stars it deserves. I’m sure you all will enjoy it.