Sorry for the omission……..here are the Style numbers:

1-Fish in Shiny Black and Russian Gold, J350109

2-Etruscan Necklace and Earring set, J350131

3-Etruscan Bead Cuff, J350340

The party is less then one week away!

Continue Reading “STYLE NUMBERS”



……………………Sorry for any confusion……..I thought the Russian Gold Fish had been posted. My computer said it was posted, but it hadn’t been. I was away and could not get back into “My Pictures” from my I Pad so it had to wait until now…….Here it is in all its’ glory. It’s the same style number as the Black Fish….It has one pale Amethyst eye, and one Peridot eye……It happens to look fabulous worn with the Russian Gold ETRUSCAN NECKLACE SET and CUFF…..Only one week from today!………………enjoy………….much Love………………..Louis




……………………………….Ladies…..are you ready to go fishing again!!!!???? They are jumping and are ready to be caught! The Fish pendant will be on my August 25th 6:00pm ALL JEWELRY SHOW, and it’s going to be FABULOUS! Every piece is new except the Y Bar pendant, but that is coming back in NEW colors as well as the original colors, and the WIRE CUFF……Did you really think I would stop making such a fabulous piece as the Fish pendant!? There are so many more plating colors to do it in!!……The Fish above is in my SHINY BLACK finish, or as I like to call it BLACK LACQUER! It is the exact same Fish you all know and love………Again, it is reversible, and on one side the eye is a COBALT BLUE cabochon, and the other side is a CLEAR CABOCHON…………Of course the CHAIN is shiny black to match. Above, I have it shown on my new SLEEVELESS WK  BLUE TN, A293746, and it’s just perfect. Throw a black leather jacket over it and go…..A new one is coming this fall! The advantage of having one of the eyes clear is you can wear it with any color………You know I love LAYERING jewelry. For me it adds texture, interest and a touch more GLAMOUR. This season I will be presenting the new STATION BAR NECKLACE, which was done to go with the Y-Bar pendant, but also looks fantastic with the Fish. Of course it’s a terrific stand along necklace too………….This fish is flexible…..BUT…….a warning…..DO NOT try to flex it too much or you will SNAP the chain that hold the “bones” together!….and beware of little children who will want to play with it………In a flash they with snap it in two! These are not your run of the mill pieces that you find in every department store, so a little care is necessary. I would store this fish FLAT, not bent in any way to ensure years of  happy wearing………enjoy……..much Love………..Louis



silver t

…………………….You have heard it from me many many times……….I am enthralled by ancient cultures and the artists who lived in ancient times. These were men and women who had no preconceived  notions about what they created. It came from the heart and their God given talent. They didn’t worry about costs or being commercial……they made what they loved with their hands and the tools that they made……….I had seen beads like these at Jacques Carcanagues store in soho. They came from North Africa. They were real gold and cost thousands of dollars. They were displayed in a locked case for a long time. There were four of them in different lengths. After a time I was told by the manager of the store that a celebrity came in and bought the two longest necklaces……I think it may have been Madonna, at least she hinted at that……..In recreating this necklace we tried to come as close as possible to the irregular conical shape as possible. I wanted the look of hand made….an ARTISAN look……..nothing perfect or highly polished. They had to look like something you would see behind a case in a museum. I think that was accomplished and more….Remember, these pieces are supposed to look ANTIQUE….They are not perfect and are not POLISHED, so if that is what you want…..this is NOT it…………………The necklace is 72 inches long, which is the same length as my pearl necklaces and faceted glass bead necklaces from past collections. This length gives the wearer a lot of choices on how they want to wear it….As you can see in the photos above….it is doubled, tripled and quadrupled. Wearing it quadrupled is when the extender comes in handy. Not everyone will be able to wear it quadrupled, but for those who can it’s a fabulous look…… In between each conical bead, which are approx. 1/2 inches long, there is a small round bead which is there to “frame” the conical bead, and also to make the necklace more flexible……….The necklace will be sold with the drop earring. It has 5 tiny beads linked together, and at the bottom one conical bead. It has a Shepard’s Hook, so it is for pierced ears only. The earring is approx. inches long. If you so choose to make it shorter it’s an easy task. Just remove as many beads from the top and slide the remaining link back onto the Shepard’s Hook………..The bracelet has 5 rows of the conical beads and round spacer beads. The rows are held together with a slim bar at the back. I purposely had the bracelet made looser so it slides down. Of course it will fit everyone differently. It will be avail in one size. It is a stretch bracelet, but it does not look like one. It is a little over 2 inches wide. Since each row is separate it is very comfortable to wear……….These pieces are super light in weight for those who are concerned. The beads are hollow so there is literally no weight to them……..You all know I love abundance, so in the photos to the right you will see TWO necklaces doubled up………Tripled up is a fantastic rich look! I also love mixing the metals….the SILVER with the GOLD, the GREEN PATINA with the GOLD, and the GREEN PATINA with the COPPER…………………….I know you will enjoy wearing these Etruscan pieces for years and years and years. They are as timeless as ancient pieces that we all covert………………………………………………………..enjoy……………………..much Love……………………..Louis



jewelry 1

………………………There are gold LOVERS AND THERE ARE silver LOVERS. As a designer I love all metal colors…….but……if I had to choose only one it would definitely, hands down be GOLD. Now, there are many colors of gold. Some like the look of 12, or 14 karat gold, some like rose gold……..but……..I love 24 karat GOLD. Russian GOLD has the same warm glow and depth as 24 Karat, which is the purest gold used for making jewelry……..I think all of the other metal colors have their place and importance, but there is nothing like Russian Gold and Black!………Extend your wardrobes by mixing your metal colors, as shown above. I love the look of silver and gold mixed. I think the look of mixed metals is becoming more and more accepted…….All of the pictures on the right show two necklaces worn different ways……doubled, tripled and mixed metals. If you haven’t tried it….it’s time you took another step out of the box!………………………………………………………….

……….enjoy………………much Love…………………..Louis