………………………………COPPER……………..is a relatively new color for my Linea Jewelry collection, and I love adding a new metal color to the group. The plating color is actually called COPPER OX, Ox being short for oxidation. What oxidation does for the color is give it an antique look. It starts off like a bright shiny new copper penny, and then it is aged. The shine you see is only the flash! Do not expect a shiny finish. For some reason, without the flash, all the pictures looked gold, so I was forced to use it…….With all of the autumnal colors coming for fall, COPPER will be a wonderful accent………In some of the pictures I have layered two for a more dramatic effect……… I know there are many of you who don’t own anything in this copper color. I think the ETRUSCAN GROUP would be the perfect place to start…………………………………..enjoy………..much Love……………………Louis