……………………..Aren’t you sick and tired of all the talking heads saying this and saying that….all the political BS….all the different and contrary stories about the disease and the vaccine…… all the poor peopleĀ getting sick and dying…..should you wear a mask….shouldn’t you wear a mask…..OF COURSE YOU SHOULD…..what is the matter with people!!! Don’t you want to WASH your brain clean, and get rid of all the loud NOISE…..don’t you sometimes feel you want to STOP the world and get off…………….I know I do……………So, why did I post this lovely picture of the embroidered skirts in the midst of all of this?……..because we have to CELEBRATE BEING ALIVE!…….When I hear women say I have no place to wear this…..I say create a reason create a place to celebrate and get dressed up…..Have a fancy dinner for you and your husband or some friends….Have a dress up Thanksgiving….if you’re still here you have something to be thankful for….CELEBRATE…….Have a dress up Christmas Eve, Hanukkah, or Christmas Day……..MAKE up a reason to celebration ………I know we are tired of it all, and it takes effort to even create a celebration……….You just may feel better after these 7-8 months and going of nothing but horrible stories……………………….It wears on the brain………….it wears on the heart…………………..it wears on the SOUL………………………….