Hello my Dear friends…………….after much soul searching, and many discussions, we as a team have decided to cancel any further Live Face Book shows. The decision, in a way, was made for us. We had already decided no train travel from PA to CT, and now all road rest stops have been closed in PA….That will probably start spreading to other states….The message is clear…..stay home, go out as little as possible, and be safe………Of course when the time is right we will happily resume our Live Face Book rendezvous at Chez Dell’Olio………..Until then I will post lots of pics to make you all happy. If you are going to have to be home we will all have to find ways to entertain each other. Feel free to use my website to share interesting stories or updates on this dreadful virus. My doctor already told me to drink lots of fluids, not COLD. and to drink lots of HOT tea. It will kill anything in the throat before it reaches the lungs…….TAKE DEEP BREATHS and hold it. If you don’t start with dry coughing your lungs are probably clear………………………Be safe everyone……………Lots of Love………………………..Louis

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…………………….A heads up……browsing the Linea jewelry site I saw that the Maasai necklace and earring are avail. These must be returns as these pieces were not reordered and will never be reordered. They are collectors items and can be sold on e-bay for more money. Since they will never be reordered or reduced in price and there are very few to sell….if you ever wanted them now is the time. With spring and summer right around the corner timing couldn’t be better…………………enjoy……………..much Love…………………………Louis

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…………………….It may not be official yet…..but SPRING arrived in blooming color at our house…….42….count them….42 POTS OF PANSIES HAVE BEEN PLANTED….whew! My back porch is a sea of pansies…….and rows and rows of DAFFODILS are already half way grown, and it’s only mid March! It was such a beautiful day after a morning of torrential rain. The sky cleared, the sun came out and dried all the brick….It was the perfect time to PLANT……………..Now it’s all done…………and I know JAC IS HAPPY……..Nothing made her happier than Pansy planting day, and to take a step back after it was complete and take all of the beauty in………..It’s always a happy and sad time for me…..I wish with all of my heart she was here with me to enjoy her pansies………………………………..I like to believe she is

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I have learned today that QVC is implementing new restrictions due to the virus. There will be less people allowed on set and in the entire building. There will be only 2 models per show allowed. Also we can not special order any additional clothing or shoes to style the shows because there will be a limited number of people working, and only the styles that are scripted in the show will be pulled……What does this mean? It means I will not be able to present the type of show I normally would using only 2 models, and with limited pieces of clothing to style the shows. No special shoes will be avail other than those in the models closet…..but…..we will all do our very best until this virus has been defeated and the restrictions are lifted……thank you for understanding….Louis

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……………………..This fabulous colorful necklace has been reduced in price to $29.99! That is an incredible price for this necklace made in ALL GLASS BEADS and GLASS PEARLS. J390523 is the style number. It is avail in the MULTI as shown above, and in the CLEAR which is all crystal stones and white pearls. What an incredible present this would make for Mother’s Day. As you can see from the photos above this is a season-less piece. Wear it now and through the summer with a tee and white or indigo jeans or for an event wear it on a simple dress you may have in the closet! Come Fall and the Holidays it will dress up anything you own. For $29.99 it’s a great investment!…………………..just wanted to pass it along since it was and IS one of my favorite pieces!………………enjoy……………….much Love…………………Louis