………………………….This blouse was made to be done in PERFECTLY PINK………….they are the  “perfect” combination……..You already know all of the details. The buttons here are DYED TO MATCH SHELL……Even though this is Perfectly Pink….every time you dye the color, especially in different fabrics, they may vary slightly as the blouse does to the FAUX SUEDE JACKET, [ second column from left]. The blouse is a little deeper than the suede, but both harmonize well together. It’s perfectly feminine under the Ivory [above],or Black blazers……Paired with the new FLORAL EMBROIDERED skirt is dreamy……What a fabulous way to look for any occasion……just enough to be appropriate not overdone, and still make a statement…….With the nude, black sheer or Point d’ Esprit tights the look will be complete……………..There is no limit for how you can wear this Perfectly Pink confection……………………….enjoy……………………much Love…………………………Louis



………………With all this time on my hands, I decided to browse through STACKS of old Vogue [mostly late 80s and 90s], Harpers Bazaar, T&C etc. magazines. The first thing that struck me was how modern and current almost everything looked, and how little has changed from what sophisticated chic women wore then and now…..Forget the extreme stuff you see on many runways. We all know that’s basically for show and no one really wears it………..I was thumbing through this 1993 Vogue, 27 years ago!!! The model is a 19 year old Amber Valetta. I used Amber in my runway shows and for a few National Ad campaigns……What hit me was this exact photo could be in the magazine today! What also struck me was the CHAIN NECKLACE around her neck. It looks exactly like the LINEA LIQUID CHAIN NECKLACE,  that is avail now…I laid my necklace across the photo…..The one on Amber is real gold and was listed in the thousands of $$$$. Mine may not be real gold, but it certainly looks it. It just goes to show we may get older but good jewelry stays modern and current forever….I love how nonchalant she looks with her simple white tank and pant and the Gold jewelry…..It’s a look that can be duplicated right now from linea!…………Here’s what I put together to duplicate the look……….A307363, the ivory WK tank….the A351460 or A378723 pant….with the J487222 LIQUID GOLD NECKLACE….the J487217 or J390573 gold bracelets……and J487219, the Liquid Gold earring………………..It truly is an ageless look………………………..stay Strong and be Careful…………………….much Love………………………..Louis

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Hi everyone….I just went on line and noticed ALL jewelry is on six EZ Pays, and most apparel is on either 3 to 4 EZ Pays. If EZ Pay is something you like to take advantage of today is a good opportunity…………have a wonderful day……….stay STRONG…..stay SAFE…………………….much Love…………………Louis

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Hi everyone…..it’s a glorious day here in CT on the L.I. Sound. I’ve been outside in the garden dead heading the pansies…..with the girls who are a HUGE help! They love to see daddy work. The only time they will stay outside is when I’m outside, or else they would rather be in side luxuriating on their nice fluffy beds……On my way to the grocer, I saw a lot of people enjoying the day….BUT…..too many were not following the rules! I really wanted to get out of the car and start yelling at them “what are you people thinking!!!!!?????”, but I thought better of it and drove off.  I even saw a construction crew sitting together on the back of one of the trucks eating lunch!!!! Don’t they know even he-men can get this virus????Just plain stupid!…In the store people were behaving well, keeping there distance when possible, and for the most part wearing gloves and masks as I was……OK, I’m going to rant again. There was a young father walking around the store in flip flops, and shorts [it’s not that warm], no mask, no gloves, no protective wear at all…..BUT WITH HIM a little girl who couldn’t have been older than 5 or 6. She too had nothing on to protect herself……I’m sorry but what is the matter with people. Do they not listen, do they not have common sense or brains! If he wants to go out like that…that’s bad enough, but to expose his child to such peril for me is child abuse……….rant over………………….Now, my heads up is….I was looking at the Linea site, and the DB blazer is already sold out in sizes 2 and 4 in both colors, and the Shantung jackets in all colors are also selling out in sizes. These won’t be formally presented until the 28th of APRIL…..That’s 4 weeks away……so I would suggest if you are interested in purchasing any one of these jackets don’t wait too long or it may not be there when you are ready, and we show them on air…………………just a HEADS UP…………Have a lovely day in your solitude, and be safe out there!!!…………………..much Love………….Louis

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