…………………..The BLACK SEQUIN TOP………..Is such a universally glamorous piece. Where ever I have traveled in the world there is always a woman in a black sequin something……..All over the US to London, Paris, Milan, all the way to Morocco and Hong Kong Black Sequins are the answer…….The black suede pant, the midi WK skirt and a vintage scattered sequin lace skirt are all great options to pair with the sequin top. The Vivid Pink blazer and the Ivory topper are the perfect topping [no pun intended] to the sequin tops……When spring arrives a pair of black or white crops or Capri pants will give your sequin top a whole new look…………….This is something to own and cherish forever………………..enjoy………………….much Love……………………Louis
**You can watch the Video on the Linea Sequin Tops & Pants here: https://www.facebook.com/HerLineaStyle/videos/800942153809086