…………………….This year I only planted two tomato plants in pots, and they are doing very well. From the time these photos were taken to now they are all starting to turn red. I’m hoping I will be able to eat them before I’m off to Africa…..The two photos at the right are of my rose tree and the picture below is an off shoot from that tree. One day I saw this 2 1/2 foot stick like growth coming out of the soil, and I realized it was a new rose plant. I had Franco replant it in it’s own pot , and it’s doing great. As you can see I’m still waiting for my Morning Glories. Last year the 4 or so blooms I did get came in late Sept and early Oct. I hope they are a little more cooperative this year?

Continue Reading “THE GARDENS CON’T”


…………………………This has been a banner year for Hydrangeas! Every one of my bushes, of which I have at least 30 around the property, are bursting with blooms. As I drive around the neighborhood I see that everyone’s bushes are just as beautiful!…….I have found that this has become an every other year happening. Last year they weren’t anywhere as full as this year…….Jac would never let me cut them and bring them into the house. She liked them “just the way they are”. At the end of the season she would cut them and hang them in the basement upside down to dry. We would then have Hydrangea bouquets all winter long.

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…………………….On JULY 23rd, 1948 I was born at 11:45 pm at the Midwood Hospital in Brooklyn……..My mother told me it wasn’t a long labor…but….my father was playing cards around the corner, and she had to wait for him, and send my grandfather to get him!…..so things were in a bit of a rush…..My Mom also told me I was a good baby [well just look at that face!]…I love my little sweater with the chicks on it…..My older brother was colic baby….so I was the GOOD baby….LOL…..As you can see I always had BIG EYES and my signature eyebrows….Now that I’m older I think I have the same body I had as a baby!!!! Isn’t that what they say….when we get older we revert back to childhood?………..If Jac were here my Birthday would have been a month long celebration ending with a layered ice cream cake of chocolate chocolate chip and Oreo cookies and cream with blue flowers on top and all of my babies names on it…past and present!!!!

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