Here we are at Abu Camp. I’m following Chris to the room with commentary. It’s a little over 9 minutes.

Posted by Louis Dell'Olio on Monday, September 20, 2021

I’m taking you on a tour of our room at the Abu Camp. The video is just over nine minutes with commentary. I hope you enjoy!

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Dr. Paul brought Lily home two days ago and she is doing GREAT. She has a long incision on her tummy so she has to wear a cone or else she will lick it. He showed me the piece of cob he took out…ICK! He brought prescription food for her to eat. It’s like baby food and smells like chicken liver. She loves it and could easily eat double what I give her, but the doctor wants me to give her small amounts 5 times a day so her stomach and intestine aren’t stressed until it is all healed. She was so hungry she went after Sammy’s food! The tables are reversed!! Thank you all for your prayers. They were ANSWERED! I have my Lily back!!

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Hyenas were a pretty common site. They weren’t shy at all, and the little ones came over to the jeep to bite the rubber…

Posted by Louis Dell'Olio on Saturday, September 18, 2021

They will find a very secluded place to set up their den where they will have their cubs. They want to ensure no other predator finds it. They will always hunt in packs and when they make a kill or find the leftovers from some else’s kill the laugh wildly. It’s true what they say about the laughing Hyenas! It’s not a pretty sound.

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The odyssey begins. We took a small plane to Maun, a very small city. We soon got on an even smaller plane, 8 seats, to…

Posted by Louis Dell'Olio on Friday, September 17, 2021

It was now September 2nd and we were on our way. First we returned to the Johannesburg airport and got on an “Air Link” plane to Maun, a very small town in the middle of nowhere. There we waited for another plane, an 8 seat plane that would take us to the OKAVANGO DELTA, where the Abu Camp was located. It was about an hour flight. Mind you at every airport we had to fill out papers, and all passports and health papers [Covid tests] were checked. We finally got on this very small plane and we were on our way. The pilot was a young man named LOUIE, a good omen! From the air it all looked brown and dry below with narrow rivers and bodies of water here and there. It is the dry season until end of October. It was fascinating to see. We finally landed on this single air strip and out jeep and guide, Joe, was waiting for us. He arrived early to make sure there were no animals on the runway! Before going to camp Joe took us for a ride through the BUSH!! The animals were popping up here and there….we were on our way!

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