………………………..This is the view I wake up to almost every morning…….I’m an early riser and I’m up before the sun comes above the horizon. This is the time when the sky is at its’ most beautiful. Every morning the sunrise over the Long Island Sound is a new painting, and all of  them are magnificent….You look and wonder….what this new day will bring…….I thank God for the beauty he has shown to me……….”If you always try to be normal….you will never know how amazing you can be.” Maya Angelou

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……………………It was always a fun and happy Christmas day at my parents house…………My brothers and their families would come at 1:00 in the afternoon after they spent the morning with their children opening presents. My Aunt Bea, back row, second in from the left and my Uncle Danny would spend many Holidays with us. My Aunt had one son from a previous marriage, but he lived in Kansas so they were always alone. From left to right in the back row starts with me, my Aunt Bea and my brother Mauro…….The second row from the left is my niece Danielle, my SIL Carol, my Mom and my Dad who is holding baby Jeannine, my brother Mauro’s daughter….then my SIL Kathy, Mauro’s wife. Kathy is holding Christopher who looks as if someone told him he was getting coal in his stocking!!!….The bottom row, from the left starts with Jonathan and his older brother James who eventually was a West Point graduate and just retired from the military after many years. James looked a lot like me when I was his age. Next to him is my brother Mauro and SIL Kathy’s  beautiful son John who was exactly like his father in every way….Tragically he died in a\ freak accident on the Throgs Neck Bridge when he was 21….He is terribly missed even though he is gone longer than he lived…That pain never goes away……Peter and Mathew weren’t born yet, and they would complete the family. My uncle Dan and my brother John aren’t in the picture so John had to be the photographer…..I was about 22 in this photo, and designing at a company called Giorgini…………..I’m happy to have these photos…..So many are gone now,,,,..Good memories!




………………Just finished watching Tick Tick Boom on Netflix staring Andrew Garfield……..He and the entire cast and the movie was FANTASTIC. This is not to be missed,…..I am positive it is going to run away with many many awards. I can’t praise it enough!!

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…………………….I presented this coat during my Tepper Fur exhibit showing. It was in forest green velvet with real gold bullion embroidery and Russian Sable trim. The minute the buyer from Neiman Marcus walked through the doors and saw the coat he informed us that he wanted it exclusively for the Neiman’s special Christmas catalog……………..The center photo is from the catalog…..I loved the photo, and thought the model was perfect……..so CHIC………….The coat was $20,000.00………….Hello Santa!!!!!!