…………..The local news lately has had one tragic story after the other, so I felt the need to post something light hearted….What more could bring a smile to someone’s face than SNOWMEN…..For years Jac and I  collected snowmen….not very seriously….and just enough to put on the glass shelves on our kitchen windows. Whenever we saw something we liked we picked it up. There are music boxes, a snow globe, and even a snowman that lights up…Some are antique and some are brand new……I’ll keep them on the windows until March when there is still a chance of snow…..then like Frosty they disappear for another year.



…………………………There are few things that are as beautiful as a fresh new white blanket of SNOW…..before the plows and shovels, and dirt and salt destroy the simple serene beauty of it….it’s joyful……even Sammy loves to go out into the snow with Uncle Lou.

Continue Reading “A BLANKET OF WHITE”


……………….I couldn’t sleep this morning……I got up and looked out of my bedroom window, and in the dark I could see the line where the black water ended and the line of white snow began…….It’s the first snow fall of the season here in my area of CT. It already looks like more than what was predicted at 3:45am, and it’s supposed to continue until 8:00am or 9am……who knows….maybe longer……..My mind was racing…..I didn’t want to go to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea, because I didn’t want to disturb Sammy…..she would have been confused at being waken so early……..I normally would have gotten up as quiet as possible so as not to wake Jac, but she would always hear me and say “what’s the matter?”…….I would reply, “nothing, I just can’t sleep….I’ll go and watch some TV…..go back to sleep”……”No” Jac would answer….”it’s too early…..get back into bed, and I’ll rub your back”……..Who could pass up an invitation like that! I would obediently get into bed, and with the promised back rub, would fall back to sleep……….This morning, instead of a back rub, I’m visiting with my 24/7 friend…..my computer…….After I post this…..I’ll go and sit in my reclining chair with one of Jac’s mom’s crochet blankets, watch the snow fall, and hopefully fall back to sleep with my thoughts and memories of all the snowfalls I shared in the past.

Continue Reading “THE FIRST SNOW FALL OF 2022”