……………..I was looking at e-bay this morning, which I hardly ever do, and to my surprise was the “LEMON TEE SHIRT”! This was supposed to be on my Spring 2021 show that never was. I’m can only suppose that Elaine sold off her remaining samples, and this was one……so it’s brand new, a size sm sample…….100% cotton, and lots of fun for a one of a kind tee at $13.99. It would look great with the white tiered eyelet skirt, the boho, shorts, carpis, and white or blue jeans….It would even be cute under a jean jacket or white or navy blazer. I thought I’d pass this along, because I don’t think it will last long….I think it’s on page 10 or higher.

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………………….Just the other day I got a surprise phone call from one of my dearest friends……….ELENA………….Elena lives in Athens, Greece, and she was checking up on me to make sure I was OK. Even in Greece she heard about the terrible snow storm on CNN we had here in New England……..I assured her I was fine…………………….Elena was actually a dear friend of Jac’s, and I met Elena through Jac. Elena was also a model. She was born in Sweden, and is a true Swedish beauty. I’m not sure if they met in NYC or in Europe….Elena will have to tell me that story…..The belonged to the same Model Agency….Anyway they worked often together doing the same shows. Because they were both tall, blond and had a similar look and body type…they were often paired together. Jac knew Elena way before Jac and I were together. Jac told me one summer she traveled with Elena and a small group of musicians and a female singer that were all friends of Elena’s. They traveled that summer all over the Peloponnese, the southern tip of Greece, in a small van…..They would stop along the way, and the band would play in tavernas to make money……..Jac said they had a great time……a great adventure ……It was in one of these tavernas that Jac met Angelo Vassiliou. He tried to pick Jac up, but Jac instead introduced him to Elena…..THAT WAS IT…….SPARKS FLEW!!!!……..I think it may have been love at first sight, because Elena stayed in Greece, gave up modeling, and married Angelo, which in Greek means “little Angel”. Angelo lived in a beautiful, well known part of Athens…..The very first time I met Angelo I was on my way home to NYC from a vacation I took with friends in Mykonos….Jac was visiting with Elena and they invited me to stop in Athens for a few days before returning to NYC. Angelo and I hit it off immediately…kindred spirits……Elena was very pregnant, and Jac wanted to spend time with her before the baby came. A few months later they had a son…..Yanni……The next time Jac and I went to Greece together to visit Elena and Angelo…..Yanni was now 3 or 4. He had Elena’s blond hair and Angelo’s big brown eyes…..he was a beautiful little boy, but not very trusting of strangers….especially strangers who couldn’t speak Greek!……..However, Jac easily won him over with the presents she brought for him!……..,TRANSFORMERS!!!!! They were very hot and very new at the time, and they couldn’t be gotten in Athens. He was so excited with his new toys. We all became fast friends…….To this day he still speaks of the transformers Jac brought to him…..he still may have them!?…We all went off to Mykonos…..This was about 30 years ago. Mykonos was a fun island, but nothing like what it is today…..There were very few hotels, and many visitors rented rooms in people’s houses…..It was much more laid back, and not the scene it is today……We went to the beach every day, and I played with Yanni in the sea….We went to a taverna on the beach for lunch where we had cold white wine, and wonderful Greek salads……..The large picture above is of Jac, Elena and me at a sea side restaurant that we went to for dinner. Elena was picking out the lobsters to give to the chef for our dinner!…..During our recent phone conversation Elena and I discussed the fact that Angelo isn’t in any of the pictures!….because he was always taking them!!!…….I had many more photos, but I can’t find them…..It’s been so many years ago I have no idea where to look……..Elena and Angelo are now grandparents to a little girl named Phoenix who is 9 months old! Elena promises to send pictures, and some with ANGELO!!! However, Yanni and his little family live in Belgium, and Greece is under a lockdown….AGAIN!…..so Yanni can’t go to them for a visit……Elena tells me how difficult it is for her to know Jac is no longer here, and there is no possibility of us visiting them again…..She has such wonderful memories of her times with Jac….it makes it all the more sad for her……She has pictures of us taken so many years ago in her home……….She has the one with the lobster too! ……………….It’s always wonderful to speak with my dear Elena.

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……………….I found these photos of Jac on the runway. They are from four different shows. The Nautical jacket at the upper left was from a Spring show. The four center black and white photos were from the same Fall show. Three of the coats were in a wool twill, and the coat where Jac has her hands on her hips was shearling. The taupe sequin jacket and the quilted jacket were from two other Fall shows. The quilted Satin jacket trimmed in sheared mink also had a top coat of sheared mink to be worn over the quilted coat….a twofer!

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