…………………..The clothes I designed for Resort 1992 were not active wear beach clothes. These were clothes for after a day of sun, sand and sea….when you were showered, made up and ready for a night out……peasant tops, tanks, shorts and sarongs….sometimes in solid colds or sometimes in color blocks were made to mix and match. They were the perfect answer for light weight and easy wear clothes and easy packing……When the vacation was over these pieces were added to your summer wardrobe to give excitement, and a fresh new lift…..Jasmeen is wearing a contrast banded peasant shirt in VIOLET, MANGO and ORANGE…..With that a pair of pleated zip front shorts in ORANGE……Christy is wearing an ORANGE tank with a wrap sarong in VIOLET, ORANGE and MANGO.

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………………The ease and comfort of a big shirt, no matter in what form, is always perfect to capture tropical breezes….Jasmeen is wearing a crop, button front, color block shirt with a drop shoulder and a kimono type sleeve. With that she is wearing easy pull-on tap shorts. Christy is wearing a color block dress…..again, with a button front, drop sleeve for added ease, and a kimono type sleeve to keep everything loose and easy…..All three pieces are in silk in combinations of CHARTRUESE, CYPRESS, VIOLET & MAGENTA………”T” strap flat sandals in matching colors complete the look…..These clothes may be 30 years old….but they look as modern and contemporary today as they did the day I designed them.












………………..The “Resort”, or the vacation clothes of the 1992 collection was all about VIBRANT color and wonderful combinations of color…….Mango, Magenta and Orange were used in this all silk outfit. The pieced together stripes of the jacket not only created the pattern, but each seam was used to create shape…….so no darting was necessary. The pleats of the skirt hung from a smooth yoke. Fun colorful jewelry and metal and stone belts were designed to accent the groups of colors.

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……………….The take away or “escape” portion of the RESORT 1992 was all about VIBRANT COLOR, and the mix of interesting combinations……Silk separates were KEY…..On Jasmeen ORANGE, TANGERINE and MANGO……on Christie CHARTEUSE, CYPRESS and VIOLET……were used to create easy wrap jackets, tank tops and Capri pants.

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………….I love the glisten of GOLD, and in the evening, under the right lighting, it is extremely flattering……All of my sweater knitwear was made in Italy. Where as some lurex can be scratchy and uncomfortable to wear….the lurex I used from Italy was considered a “soft” lurex. How it was made I have no idea,….that’s their secret, but soft it was. These pieces was combined with a super fine acrylic navy yarn that made it even softer……Cristy wears a short sleeve deep V necked dress [we didn’t have to worry about how DEEP we made them….my customers wanted sexy necklines]…..Yasmeen is wearing three pieces…..a slip top, skirt and an English ribbed cardigan. Due to the special construction of the rib the inside of the sweater was mostly the navy acrylic yarn which made it super soft against the skin………….The exaggerated “door knocker” earrings were Anne Klein Couture.

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