…………….”My Mom and my Uncle Tom”………My Uncle Tom, to the left in the white shirt and open vest, is standing in front of my Mom…..Out of all my mother’s brothers she was closest to Uncle Tom, who was also closest to her in age….just a little older….He had wavy brown hair and blue eyes, and my Mom always told me what a terrific dancer he was…..They entered many dance competitions together, which in those roaring days of the 20s, were very popular…..My Mom told me they won quite a few of them…..however….my Uncle gave my Mom the trophy and he kept the money!………….I don’t know who the man is, but that’s my Mom’s BFF, Nardi kneeling in the center, and their friend Sadie at the right…….I think you can tell from my Uncle’s smile exactly what kind of personality he had….A real charmer, and a ladies man…….Out of all the 9 brothers and sisters Uncle Tom died first in his early 50s from a heart attack….I was very young when he died….It was so unexpected…..My Mom was heartbroken.

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“DAD & ME”










………………..I’m guessing I was two years old in this picture so it must have been 1950………My Dad wasn’t combing his hair with a side part anymore, but he was combing mine with one…..”a chip off the old block”….LOL…….On Sunday we always went to the park. I loved the swing….or so I was told.

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……………………..It was this time of year when my BFF Bobby, and our friend Kenny [taking the pictures] went on a trip to South America. We were all TWENTY ONE, and it was our first time in South America……First stop….PERU…….We went to see Machupicchu, and it was incredible…..something I will remember vividly for the rest of my life, and that was 54 years ago!…..Then we flew to RIO for Carnival which was the wildest thing I have ever experienced!!!! We all had a fabulous time….I don’t think we had a moments sleep….but we were 21 and didn’t need it!!!!……It was amazing how wild the city was during Carnival, pure hedonism!!!…..Then on Ash Wednesday it all stopped. Everyone went back to their daily lives The contrast was sobering and shocking……Bobby and Kenny are gone now, but I have my photos and indelible memories of this fantastic time we spent together.

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…………………….Last night I went to bed about 1:00am, and the snow had started to fall….The forecast was “A DUSTING TO 1 INCH”……but Mother Nature said….”not so fast fellas!”. When I woke this morning and looked at the views from my windows there was already a good 3 inches of fresh white snow blanketing everything…..and it’s still snowing……I know there are some who love to complain when it snows, but I’m not one of them…….Snow is one of natures miracles…….Jac would have been in her glory!….. She would have had her snow gear on, and out the door before I even had my first cup of tea!

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