…………………..Every once in a while I will listen to a singer on YouTube that……..STOPS ME IN MY TRACKS!!!………..LUKE KENNEDY……..IS SUCH A SINGER!……….He has a MAGNIFICENT voice…….He was on “The Voice Australia 2013″…..where have I been?………He chose Ricky Martin as his coach, and I must admit, at first I thought WHAT???? Why Ricky Martin?…..but….he proved to be the perfect coach. He pushed him out of his comfort zone [opera], which he had a strong background in, and he traveled the word with the “TENORS”…..Ricky had him do some wonderful pop songs to broaden his repertoire and catalogue of music, and he sang brilliantly……..He was a finalist with a young singer named Harrison Craig, who I featured in one of my posts, because I thought he was fabulous………Luke stopped singing for a while after his marriage broke up, and suffered depression where he just couldn’t do anything, but then he started singing again…..Unfortunately, he came in second the Harrison Craig….IMHO, Luke should have won!….He was in my opinion a stronger singer with a more beautiful voice, but everyone hears things differently……I won’t go any further but to say…..if you want a treat for your ears……..listen to LUKE KENNEDY……….I even bought his CD on Amazon!

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………………….There are millions of people who labor everyday that are celebrating on this one day…..People who work very hard each day……many for you and me!……As someone who has worked since I was 17….I have worked over 50 years….Actually, my very first job was a position at Alexanders in Green Acres Mall on Long Island. It was a summer job, and I was a sales person in the……”TOMORROW SHOP”……..It was supposed to be a VERY fashion forward boutique for men where we sold the most current trends! We sold Nehru jackets, bell bottom low slung pants, neck scarves, PEACE pendant necklaces and every other popular trend!……I was a teenager, and I had to wear the clothes!……It was fun dressing up, and I sold lots of clothes and accessories, though I only wore these clothes at work other than the bell bottoms…..The rest was not really my style!………..For those of you who don’t have to work today….I hope everyone enjoys their Holiday!

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………………….We would like to think the older we get the wiser we get……That’s now always true….When I was much younger a few people, unbeknownst to me, found me intimidating…I had no idea……I often say “If I knew then what I know now”…….but I’m not sure I would have done anything differently…….However….I do believe as you get older….it is ALL ABOUT the PERSON YOU HAVE BECOME………I’m more tolerant….but I’m also less tolerant of people who waste my time……….I would like to believe I am a kinder person…a person with integrity, and a high moral compass….honest and true…and I’m sure people who KNOW and LOVE find me so………..at least I hope so.

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