……………Join Cathy and me TODAY at 1:00pm….EST…..for a FACEBOOK LIVE SHOW…..FALL BONANZA SHOW!!!!….There will be…..GREAT SALES……EZ PAYS ON EVERYTHING…..and….FREE SHIPPING & HANDLING ON EVERYTHING!!!!!! I hope you can join us for some fun….laughs and stories!












………………….When I was three years old my family moved from Brooklyn to Long Island……There were still lots of farms, even a dairy farm. I was friends with a classmate who’s father owned the dairy farm, and we used to play in the barn climbing on the hay bales…..There were lots of fruit trees on many of these farms…..and lots of apples…….However, the apples I remember, and liked the best were the apples from my grandfather’s tree. He owned a house in Brooklyn, with quite a sizable piece of land. He had grape vines that he used to make his wine with….fig trees, a peach tree…….and a huge apple tree…..When we used to go and visit he always picked fresh apples off the tree and gave them to us to eat…….They were the most DELICIOUS APPLES I ever ate, but I never new the name of them. I doubt he knew either……My whole life I have tried many many apples. Jac and I used to take rides to the apple orchards up state to buy small bushels of apples, but I could never find any that tasted like my grandfathers!……Then I tried McCouns, and they were the closest to the ones my grandfather had……crisp and slightly tart……..They are my FAVORITE apples!……….WHICH ARE YOUR FAVORITE APPLES?????………………..Just a reminder………….tomorrow October 5th at 1:00pm….EST……….Cathy and I will be presenting a Fall FACEBOOK LIVE SHOW…….There are great SALE PRICES….higher than we have had in the past……..if you can…come and join us for fun and stories!

Continue Reading “IT’S APPLE SEASON!”











…………………….If there were one moment, or one year in your life that you would want to relive……….WHAT WOULD IT BE????………….After thinking about this question I posed to myself….I really had to think hard…..If it was a moment…..it would be the day I married Jac…….but if I had to pick a year……it would be 1978……….That was the year I became THIRTY…..the year this photo was taken……Don’t get me wrong….my twenties were fabulous…..I started working at Anne Klein….a wonderful journey….I lived the kind of life a New York city boy in his twenties would live…..Lots of friends and going out almost every night……But it was also a time of GROWING PAINS…….Not really knowing who I was….jumping around from here to there……one relationship after the other….a some what chaotic life!…….In 1978, when I became THIRTY….it all changed…..By then I was established in my career…..I was lucky to  have great success…..I was feeling more of myself, and who I wanted to be……I had a clear direction……..That was also the year of a momentous decision……Jac and I started to date seriously….there was no more running….Jac always said to me…..”I taught you how to LOVE”……and she did……Did my life take a 360 degree turn…..no…..My 30th birthday was at STUDIO 54, and it was a blast, but it was somehow different from all the other nights, and early mornings I spent there!…I no longer felt the NEED to go out every night, and probably do some things I shouldn’t have done….but no regrets……I was at ease with myself….I was comfortable in my own skin……which had a great deal to do with Jac……..My 30th year was an awakening for me in so many ways……Of course if I could snap my fingers and relieve a part of my life again…..it would be the years Jac and I were together……but my “awakening” of who I was as a man was clear to me…….If I could relive one year it would be that year……….1978.

Continue Reading “LOOKING BACK”











………….. I just received a new book……”THE BATTLE OF VERSAILLES……THE FASHION SHOW DOWN OF 1973″ by Mark Bozek…….This historic fashion show pitted 5 AMERICAN DESIGNERS against 5 FRENCH DESIGNERS……..It was a huge benefit show for the preservation of the Palace of Versailles……A large group of American models were selected by the American designers to represent them, while the French had their own group of models….The top photo in the center shows the American models arriving in Paris….Jac is third in from the right……LIZA MINELLI also represented the Americans, and sang the opening number…..”BONJOUR PARIS”…..[photos left column, second pictures in]….She brought the house down!….The American show was directed by her Godmother and movie star KAY THOMPSON…..known for her song “THINK PINK” in “FUNNY FACE”, with Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire…….The Americans were faced with unprecedented challenges…….First, the stage sets that were designed for the show, and made in America, all had to be scraped, because when they arrived it was realized they were made with American measurements….NOT EUROPEAN, so they didn’t fit. The French rehearsed all day, while the American models had to wait for them  to be finished, which meant the models rehearsed into the night in a freezing cold palace….It was NOVEMBER!……Tempers FLARED!…..The French segment lasted OVER two hours…..with an overproduced production that everyone thought was…..BORING!…..The American fast paced segment, showing the FIVE DESIGNERS, was less than 40 minutes!…It was GREAT MODELS showing SENSATIONAL CLOTHES on a stark empty stage with the best, most current American popular HOT music at the time….a PEREFECT COMBINATION!…It was a TRIUMPH!!!!…..The Americans won the battle HANDS DOWN…….The Americans got huge applause from the stellar audience with the gold playbills flying into the air!!!!………JAC was one of the models…..She was a teenager, and we hadn’t even met yet! She was in 3 of the 5 segments, and Steven Borrows wanted her for his segment, because she worked with him, but it would have meant she was in three back to back segments, and it would have been impossible for her to make the quick changes……She was in the opening ANNE KLEIN segment….the middle BILL BLASS segment [photo of her in the long white dress with the veiled hat, and the last OSCAR de la RENTA segment [photo of her in the white chiffon dress with the bow…..I have to say the author, or who ever did the research on who the models were in the Bill Blass picture was incorrect about who the model was with Jac in the Bill Blass photo! Jac in the Bill Blass outfit is not with Tasha, she is with Carol Brandt Stoltz who told me about this new book…..For years Bill Blass had a giant blow up of this picture mounted on a board, and it stood proudly behind his desk…..He used to do all his fittings on Jac…..He called her his “Carol Lombard/Grace Kelly”……..Liza opened the American segment, and closed the show……Afterwards there was a gala dinner in The Hall of Mirrors which Jac attended…..wearing a see through nude mesh, long body hugging halter dress with a deep V-neck neckline with crystals all over…..a la Marylin Monroe……She was escorted into the dinner by a very handsome man, named Tom Fallon who was Bill Blass’s right hand assistant……She apologized to him for not wearing Blass, but he said “honey, don’t give it a thought….you look incredible”…….Jac was a sensation!!!!!!!!!……..NEVER again would the American designers be thought of as second to the French!!!!…..It’s a fun book with lots of information and pictures!