…………….Glenn, bottom right, and Charles, left column, paid me a NEW YEAR’S DAY visit………They both worked for me in the 80s, and 90s…….We went to lunch in Greenwich Ct….at the “GINGERMAN”…….After lunch we came back to my house for desert………I made a LEMON CHEESECAKE, and if I do say so myself, which they confirmed….it was delicious!……They left at about 5:00pm for the long drive back to their home in East Hampton, L.I……We had a wonderful day reminiscing about our time together at Anne Klein…..To my surprise Glenn had lots of pictures from those days which he is going to send to me…..Can’t wait to get them….We had a terrific time, and we have plans for another visit in the spring!

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HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!………I recently heard this, and it touched me….so I thought I would share it with you………..”When God gives you a new beginning this year…..a new stretch of road to travel…do yourself a favor…..don’t waist it……by being the old you……see……if you keep revisiting the pain of  previously traveled roads….you’ll never be able to fully embrace the promise of the road ahead….do you hear me?……It’s time to let that go….walk this new chapter into your life…..this new season…..don’t let who you were back there prevent you from becoming who you can be on this new stretch………it’s time for a new you….rest….but don’t you quit.”