…………………Every once in a while I like to cleanse myself with an ALL STEAMED VEGETABLE DINNER……Jac would sometimes steam a whole head of cauliflower and eat just that…..I usually steam…..CARROTS…..BRUSSEL SPROUTS and CAULIFLOWER. I make a mustard dressing of olive oil, white balsamic vinegar, Dijon mustard and pepper…….Last night I also had an English muffin with cheddar cheese on top…….It was delicious….Sometimes I steam string beans, fennel or celery too. It’s a good HEALTHY change every so often………What vegetables do you like to steam?

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…………………….HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!!!!………..I have been told many many times how rare it is to meet the “LOVE OF YOUR LIFE…..YOUR SOUL MATE”……Jac and I met when she was starting out in the modeling world….only seventeen!!!!! I thought she was beautiful……just my type…..BLOND, BLUE EYES, TALL and SLENDER…..They say “opposites attract”….and we were certainly the opposite of each other….color wise……However, there was one major problem!…….She was SEVENTEEN, and I wasn’t about to “rob the cradle”…….,When we met there was an instant attraction, but in my eyes she was a child….not in hers……She told me many times….when she saw me it was “love at first sight”…..After many years….4 to be exact, when she became “legal” at 21 we started to date. We had already been friends and went out to dinner and movies etc etc., but usually in a group……We always considered this our “official photo” when we let all of our friends know we were a couple…………I know for a fact there is such a thing as “the LOVE of you life…..and your SOUL mate”, and I was one of the LUCKY ONES……….I found mine……I hope you have…..or will find yours!…………Happy Valentines Day my sweetheart….I love you over the moon and beyond the stars…..for all eternity.

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……………….I painted these two pictures so long ago I can’t exactly remember when, but definitely over 30 years ago! You can see in the background of the painting that the balustrade is still there…..so it has to be around 1992/1993….whatever year the hurricane was that destroyed it after I had just had the WHOLE thing redone!…..As I was cleaning out my storage room….when Lou put up shelves for me to store my Christmas decorations….I found these paintings in bubble wrap….I wondered where they were????, but never really looked that hard for them…..As you can see the actual chair, at the lower left, is in a completely different fabric that is very faded from the sun….All the chairs need to be done over again for the THIRD or maybe FOURTH TIME!…The room is constantly sunny, so the fabrics, even the “sun proof” ones, take a beating…..I’m thinking about going back to blue and white, but that’s just my feeling today!………Some people find painting RELAXING….I’m NOT in that camp!….I found it a lot of work, because I was very meticulous…..This time around I’m thinking of using only large brushes on bigger canvases…..I still haven’t committed to starting, but I do have the equipment…..Have to check to see if the paint hasn’t dried out in the tubes!!!!












…………..Overnight a new blanket of snow fell……I would guess it’s about 2 to 3 inches…..I’m still waiting for the BIG one…..We seem to be in a snow corridor weather pattern with snow or snow mixed with sleet and or rain predicted a few times in the coming week …..After every snowfall I look out of my window to see the beautiful white snow……It never fails….there are always tracks from visitors!

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…………………As soon as I was able to choose and buy my own clothes I had a UNIFORM………..In high school I basically wore blue or white button down shirts, sleeves rolled up, with Khaki pants and tan buck shoes……..At Parsons School of Design, I wore blue or white button down shirts, sleeves rolled up, khaki pants and tan bucks…….When I worked at Anne Klein I wore more expensive blue or white button down shirts, sleeves rolled up, more expensive khaki pants and more expensive tan buck shoes……..Basically I never changed out of my uniform and comfort zone….It was just easier to get ready in the morning. My friends used to make fun of my closet because it was one blue, white or pink button down after the other, lined up like soldiers….with an occasional pin stripe or check, and a novelty style shirt here and there….Then a line up of different style khaki pants….not too different!…….My shoe rack had at least 10 pairs of tan bucks, three pair of white bucks, two pairs of dress black and cordovan shoes and a pair of formal black shoes……I had six suits for business and a tuxedo……That’s it!…….I NEVER wore or owned a pair of jeans or sneakers!……Now everything has changed!!!!……..My uniform has segued into jeans in different blues, grey, black…..red, yellow and white for the spring/summer, and pull on casual pants, all in stretch fabrics in a variety of styles and colors….tee shirts in a zillion colors and hoodies in a rainbow of colors…….Now I have at least a 16 pair of sneakers in all colors and designs…..MERRILS and SUAVS are my favorites…..I still have my collection of button downs [which I hardly wear]…..I do wear my cotton khakis, and Cargo pants, but the colors have expanded to also include, olive, grey, blue, black, light tan and white for the summer….My RED SNEAKERS are my newest acquisition! So different from anything I have EVER owned, but they called out to me…..BUY ME LOUIS….BUY ME!!!…They are super comfortable made in stretch fabric!…..I’m getting daring in my old age!!!!LOL……..When George, my trainer came to my house for a session, he saw me and said…..”Wow, looking good…..you’re styling RED”….he took the picture.

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