……………………”I STAND WITH UKRAINE…..even when I’m sitting down having breakfast!”…..They were attacked by Russia…unprovoked, and Ukraine deserves to be supported as we did when Germany attacked free nations……It seems to me that when the US government backed Ukraine against the aggressor, Russia, news of the war was on all of the major networks every day…..However, now that Trump has decided not to support Ukraine in any way….not even with intelligence, there seems to be a blackout of news of the war on TV……It certainly seems to me that news has been diminished greatly, as if the war doesn’t exist…….Do you feel the same way or is it just my imagination?

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……………….Here are three more additional STERLING SILVER HOOPS…..ON SALE!……plus they all have FIVE EASY PAYS……………From left to right…..the GRADUATED  1″ round hoop features TWO FINISHES……The outside is HIGH POLISHED, while the inside has a SATIN FINISH giving them a very unique DESIGNER look……They are available in STERLING SILVER….or….STERLING WITH 18 KARAT GOLD PLATE……J427321, is the 1 1/4″  round TWISTED hoop…..It is a HIGH POLISHED earring with a twist which catches the light as you move…..making it very flattering and attention getting…..They are available in STERLING SILVER….or….STERLING WITH 18 KARAT GOLD PLATE, and look perfect with the ANNIVERSARY CUFF, which many of you own, and the ….J412543, is the ORBIT HOOP……It is a round hoop with a SLIDING 12mm REMOVABLE BEAD, so you can wear the earrings two ways…..with or without the bead….giving you a classic round 1 1/4″ hoop…..Some women have purchased both colors, and switch the bead colors giving them a BI-COLOR EARRING. It’s a lot of fun!………..All of these hoops are ON SALE at my LINEA JEWELRY site at QVC

Continue Reading “HOOPS ON SALE # 2”











…………………There are a few STERLING SILVER HOOP on SALE!!!………..I have no idea how long the sale is going to last!…so if you have any interest in these MARVELOUS, UNIQUE hoops….you should give then a look……They are ALL REORDER STYLES……but some are already very limited, and have sold out in certain metal colors………….From left to right…….J414652, the FANCY HOOP….only available in the 18 KARAT GOLD PLATE……..J407814, the EGG SHAPED HOOP, which has been reordered again, and is now avail in ALL THREE COLORS………and J402078, the ANNIVERSARY HOOP, which has been reordered a few times, but is now only available in the 18 KARAT GOLD plate…..Some of you may already own all three….but some of you have just started collecting Linea jewelry……..These three hoop, which are now on SALE….would be the perfect place to start or to add on to your collection!

Continue Reading “HOOPS ON SALE”











…………………J415713…..is the style number of this BRONZE bracelet called the “MILLE FILI CUFF……………It is a BRONZE MULTI TEN STRAND cuff with three alternating designed cords…..One is SMOOTH, one is a SNAKE, and the third is a TWISTED ROPE…..and all are HIGH POLISHED. It is available on my LINEA JEWELRY site on QVC……It is avail. in sizes small, average and large, and is slightly bendable for a more custom fit.. It is OPEN in the back so it’s easy to get on and off…..It is available in THREE COLOR WAYS…………..STERLING SILVER…or…..18 KARAT GOLD….or….a mixture of both colors…….As the weather changes, and in some areas of the country it is already warm, arms become more and more bare, and need to be ADORNED!……This is the perfect CUFF to wear….The ten strands spread out over the wrist giving the look of many narrow bangles………For me…..a must have for everyone no matter the season.

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…………………………….”PATRIOTISM MEANS TO STAND BY YOUR COUNTRY. IT DOES NOT MEAN TO STAND BY THE PRESIDENT’……………incredible words from Theodore Roosevelt….one of our truly GREAT PRESIDENTS!….Presidents come and Presidents go….So far I have lived through TEN PRESIDENTS myself….some good….some bad…..some even GREAT…..but in the end it is always about AMERICA……the COUNTRY……and never about the man.













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