………………….I pride myself on offering my clients specially designed earrings……NOT……earrings you will fine on some turnstile in a department store……You can only purchase them on my “LINEA JEWELRY” site on QVC…….This ICONIC, CLASSIC DESIGN….the “CURB LINK HOOP”….J427317…..is a high polished Bronze earring that is avail. in THREE COLORS…….STERLING SILVER plated on Bronze……18 KARAT GOLD on Bronze….and 18 KARAT ROSE GOLD on Bronze…..They are made in the ELECTROFORM PROCESS which means this BOLD earring is hollow and LIGHT WEIGHT……..This is a STATUS EARRING, beautifully MADE IN ITALY, and is reminiscent of…..HERMES….and…..GUCCI……..The PERFECT SPECIAL HOOP….a STAND OUT to add to your collection!












……………..The HAMMERED HOOP….J435498……has a wonderful DISTINCTION from all other Hoop earrings!….This STERLING SILVER HOOP has a beautiful ARTISAN LOOK!…..The HAMMERED EFFECT isn’t too bold or too timid, but catches the light to its’ full advantage….making it look VERY SPECIAL!……THE SHAPE….is also compelling in that it is WIDER at the bottom and tapers to the earlobe…..It’s an earring that demands to be noticed!………..It is avail on my “LINEA JEWELRY” site on QVC in STERLING SILVER…or….STERLING with 18 KARAT GOLD PLATE…..You may quite possibility want to own both!………..To order is very simple just call QVC Customer Service at…..800-345-1212…..Give the customer representative the J435498 number and the color, SILVER or GOLD PLATE, and your done!…..It’s very simple……..I know you will love these UNIQUE special earrings!

Continue Reading “THE HAMMERED HOOP”











…………………Looking out of my bedroom window this morning….what did I see?….My adopted family of four deer enjoying the early morning sun on my lawn facing the water…..Sometimes there are six of them, and I’m sure this spring I will see the addition of some little ones!!!….Even though they are very cute…..I shudder to think what they are going to do with all the new growth on my shrubs and bushes……I will have to have Franco start to spray “DEER OFF” which smells like peppermint. It doesn’t hurt them, but they do not like it. Unfortunately, it has to be resprayed after every rain!…….I will also have to spray for the disgusting “LANTERN BUGS” which will surely make an appearance once the temps warm up!…..The deer I LOVE, but the Lantern bugs I truly HATE!…………….C’est la Vie!

Continue Reading “MY ADOPTED FAMILY!”











……………….There was no doubt….at last night’s OSCARS…..SILVER….was the color of the night…..HOWEVER…….everyone was after the….GOLD!….If you love HOOP EARRINGS….or….haven’t really experienced wearing them…..this is the perfect hoop to collect or start with…It is NOT one of your run of the mill hoop earrings!!……..It is….J407814….and can be found on my “LINEA JEWELRY” site on QVC….It is a STERLING SILVER HOOP made in the ELECTROFORM process which means it is hollow….which means it is super light in weight, but still has a BOLD presence……It is avail in…..STERLING SILVER….STERLING WITH 18 KARAT GOLD PLATE…or…STERLING with 18 KARAT ROSE GOLD PLATE………PERFECT IN ALL THREE COLORS!

Continue Reading “THE PERFECT HOOP”