*******BOUCLE CARDIGAN & SCARF**********

Holiday bracelet 20133 Holiday bracelet 20131 Holiday bracelet 20132 Holiday bracelet 20134-001

………………………………BOUCLE KNIT is one of my favorite knits!……… I have come to realize boucle is something you LOVE…..or not. If you are an Eileen Fisher fan you are probably in the “love” camp…..I have been doing Boucle knits for literally decades, so I am definitely in the Love camp. The objections to boucle knit, that I have read, are actually ALL of the characteristics that I love about it…….gossamer……open weave….drapy……etc. etc. This is season-less timeless dressing……definitely with an attitude……..I also love the fact that you can get a CARDIGAN, A239320, and a SCARF, A239322 to match………..The colors are rich and saturated……..BRIGHT BLUE…..MANGO………DARK REEF GREEN………………….BLACK……and the yarn, an acrylic/nylon blend is super soft……..As an added bonus the cardigan is on CLEARANCE!……….You can never go wrong with a beautiful scarf for a Holiday present………………………………enjoy……………………….much Love…………………………Louis

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Becky

    Have been wearing the green to Christmas celebrations and getting enthusiastic responses 🙂

    1. Becky

      SO – I just ordered the blue 🙂

  2. Carol

    I’m in the love camp for this fabric and these sweater sets. Took the blue one with scarf on a trip to Spain one year and it was perfect to stuff in the the daypack when it was too warm to wear, and it provided a good head covering for mosques and churches. All the colors are lovely. Perfect SoCal weight for winter.

    Any new boucle pieces in the works for us?


  3. Goldie76

    Have always been “in love with” the green. Bought it on the present clearance mark-down. Thanks for bringing the sweater to my attention. Already bought the green boucle scarf on the “Bay,” so I know I like the color and knit itself.

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