
……………………This morning we woke up to this……SNOW ON THE DAFFODILS…….and this is the second day of Spring!…….but there is warmer weather ahead.

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  1. InStitches49

    I think this must be Redbud Winter here in the South because those are blooming as well as the pear trees which with all the white buds do look as if snow fell on them. Fortunately we only got really cold night temperatures with a light frost last night and tonight. From what I learned from my grandmother, your flowers are actually insulated by the snow and will do just fine. Happy second day of spring!

    1. louis dell'olio

      Your grandmother is correct. It keeps safe them from the stinging freezing winds

  2. Goldie76

    Some of my daffodils came up, while others haven’t yet. Very unusual presentation of daffodils this year.

    We were spared the “frosting” that was predicted for today, but it is blustery and cold.

    1. louis dell'olio

      That sometimes happens. When we get a streak of good warm weather they will hopefully catch up with each other.

  3. Chris/Jazzmom

    It’s supposed to be in the low 60’s by Wednesday. At least the sidewalks do not need shoveling!

  4. Sallie

    We had this yesterday. The snow melted by the afternoon and our daffodils didn’t seem worse for wear. They had been blooming about a week. Hope yours fare as well. : ) Thanks for the springtime pictures.

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