
……………………………SEA BLUE………..is a beautiful addition in the crinkle georgette. I chose this color to specifically go with the new NANTUCKET BEACH GLASS NECKLACE & EARRING SET, due in May/June…….You may think that would be an easy task, but I am extremely picky, and it had to be just the right shade…..This is the perfect SUMMER BLUE…….I know the question will come up…”how is the sea blue different from the periwinkle?”. The periwinkle has an obvious lavender cast while the sea blue is on the sea green side………It becomes evident when you lay them side by side……………..Is there anything prettier than Blue and White? It conjurers up the sea and white sand beaches. Can you tell I grew up by the sea shore!………………There are so many accessory options with this Sea Blue, and I’ve only shown three………The GOLD NUGGET NECKLACE, anything Gold and bold looks great with Sea Blue………The TANGERINE SEED BEAD NECKLACE, J329589, is a beautiful contrast to the Sea Blue. They compliment each other beautifully……….and of course the Beach Glass Necklace and Earring set……….which brings back many wonderful memories. My mother used to collect beach glass and shells that she found walking on the beach. She would say to me, “come on Lou, come take a walk with me”, and off we would go walking the beach hunting for special shells and glass. This necklace has a special meaning for me, and I hope you enjoy it all………………………………much Love………………….Louis

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Chris/Jazzmom

    Is this blue similar to the flag blue textured top color A265203)?

      1. Chris/Jazzmom

        Thanks Louis. The blue on the IPad is showing it as a blue.

  2. Melissa

    Darn it Louis! I was hoping you’d come out with some new summery pieces I’d have to have, but FOUR safari shirts?? I love all the colors. Is it possible to have too many safari shirts in one’s closet? I think I have 11 so far…

    This blue is beautiful. The other day I wore your bright blue long-sleeved v-neck t-shirt that has mesh sleeves and I got compliments on the shirt and what a good color it is for me. This blue may be a bit different, but just as pretty.

    With these, your cuffs, your necklaces…my credit card is going to be on fire!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Melissa…..you’re asking the wrong person. I own over 40 LaCoste shirts and have about 6 still in the tissue that I haven’t even opened yet……so you have a long way to go to catch up with me! LOL

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