GP fish2

…………..LILAC MIST……………is a BEAUTIFUL soft color……a true winter pastel…….It has the look of dried flowers or potpourri…..there is an undertone of a dusty pink……I think these SMOKEY PASTELS are a welcome break in the dreary winter months…………..You can wear the FUNNEL NECK straight up or rolled down, and it stands AWAY from the neck creating an open neckline. Due to the fact that the acrylic yarn is very light these are not heavy sweaters, even thought they look warm and cozy…..which they are……..I have used the Taupe Super Ponte Boot Cut pant, A268216 which is a beautiful balance to the Lilac Mist……Charcoal Grey, Smoke, Tan, and Navy would all look beautiful with this Lilac color…The new FLORAL and CRACKLE BEAD necklace in the PINK and ANTIQUE GOLD, J350152, adds the perfect DELICATE touch to this very feminine color…..PLEASE take a good look at the earring that comes with the necklace. It’s a beautiful earring on its’ own. Again, I love it doubled or worn LONG……………..The color of the sweater was dyed to match the BERET, which if you like is avail. to you on ebay. Jedrzejko, is the name of the company, and the name given to this beret is…….DIRTY PINK…..It’s not a name I would have chosen, but who ever translated the Polish name [the company is in Poland….yes French berets made in Poland!] didn’t have the romantic chip……LOL……..These sweaters are ageless and would work for ANY age………….I think the sweater, the necklace and earring and the beret would make a fantastic Holiday present for someone very special………………………………………..enjoy…………………………..much Love……………………………Louis

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Lyn

    I ordered and received the Blue Fog sweater. (I like it very much.) I also ordered the matching beret from eBay.

    Now, I’m considering the Lilac Mist sweater, and want to order the matching beret. You mention “Dirty Pink”, but the seller shows “Dirty Rose”. Is “Dirty Rose” the correct color to match the Lilac Mist sweater? Thanks, Louis.

    1. louis dell'olio

      Yes Lyn, Dirty Rose is the color. I guess the name doesn’t translate well from Polish…LOL

      1. Lyn

        Thanks, Louis. I’ll order “Dirty Rose” then. When I ordered the other color beret, it took almost one month to receive it.

        1. louis dell'olio

          Did you order from ebay? They are usually much quicker

  2. Rochelle

    I like this one best of all. Is the fabric similar in texture to the faux shetlands you’ve done the past few years?

    1. louis dell'olio

      Rochelle…..it’s the same yarn as A294607, which is sort of like the faux Shetland but not as fuzzy. The fiber content is very similar.

  3. Louis Dell'Olio

    Carol…..I think you have to let that go….there are still more surprises coming that I’ve kept a secret…….and I intend to keep them as a secret!……LOL

  4. Grace

    Love each & every color…cannot pass up even one of these sweaters!

  5. Carol

    does this new lilac color work with port, blackberry or wine? I have new pants in all those colors, so I’m going to need some tops to coordinate. Also, can I just say, that to me lilac is a blue lavender, orchid is a pink lavender. So I’m taking issue once again with the QVC nomenclature. I’m going to call this sweater my Orchid Mist. I think you’ll find Crayola backing me up on this one. 🙂

    1. louis dell'olio

      Dear Carol….I have to take the blame on the names. After 17 years of naming colors it all becomes a swirl. You are right orchid can be a pink lavender, and lilac, can be blue, but as one who owns many lilac bushes they can be very pink red also

    2. Louis Dell'Olio

      Carol….I think it looks terrific with the Port and the Blackberry.

      1. Carol

        Thanks. I really love the Port and Blackberry colors. Just when I promise myself not to buy anymore new clothes, you tempt me with COLORS!

  6. Laura

    Love, love, love this color! My list of “must have’s” is growing . . .

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