…………………………..Is it a scarf…a shawl….is it a pareo or is it a garment?……it”s All of the items mentioned……All you need is a little imagination………The Twilight scarf is simply beautiful, and something everyone needs to own……It’s pretty enough to frame!………………………….enjoy………………..much Love……………………………Louis

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Goldie76

    Louis, I cannot wait to see if the Twilight scarf with its interesting reddish tones will go with my Brick Red “Sophia” dress of several seasons back. “Hotsy-totsy,” as my dear mother used to exclaim when seeing a stunning and alluring look on someone!

  2. Louis Dell'Olio

    I don,t know….probably around my show date, but with the Q I never know

  3. Goldie76

    Here I go again! Gosh, this is ideally beautiful.

    When will it be available?

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