……………………….Many flowers have been given a meaning…………The Victorians had Morning Glories engraved on gravestones to signify a love that never ended……The Chinese said that for lovers who, due to their passionate love, shirked all other responsibilities, were doomed to only meet once a year when the Morning Glory bloomed for a day and then died……The Christians believed that the Morning Glory related directly to the finite nature of life on earth, each single flower representing “one” life, being represented by the daylight hours, only to wither and finally die by nightfall.

………………………Heavenly Blue Morning Glories were one of Jac’s favorite flowers. Every spring Jac would plant them against a white trellis, where the clinging vines could grow straight up. She loved them, and would always call me out in the morning to see them. This spring I planted seven plants against the trellis, and watched them grow, grow, grow.Their beautiful robust heart shaped leaves have grown to become a mass of deep green……Early in the season,when the leaves reached the top of the trellis and matured, a single beautiful and perfect bloom appeared…..I took this as a sign that this season I would have lots of beautiful flowers…….but that was not to be……………It is now the end of August and not one single flower bloomed again…..This never happened before. There are logical reasons for this to have happened…….but I believe Jac sent me this one beautiful bloom that was her. There is no need for another……it’s a memory I will always have of this single beautiful Morning Glory……another message from my Jac.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Rhoda Toulouse


  2. Ruth

    Beautiful, romantic and poetic. A lovely way to memorialize an exceptional person and a life well lived. Ruth

  3. Bernadette

    Truly beautiful Louis! Just like Jac. 🤗🤗🤗


  4. Elaine

    Dear Louis,
    What a beautiful sign from your Jac, she is always with you.

    The Morning Glory is the first flower I remember from my childhood. I grew up in Downtown Manhattan and they would grow on a wire fence in the backyard between the buildings. It was a little piece of the country hidden on the street of Manhattan.

    Thank you for always sharing your Jac with us, we miss her dearly.

  5. Carol

    It is so special when you recount stories of how Jac liked to dress during your shows. While most of us never “met” Jac, we feel her loss very deeply. Sharing your memories of her is the next best thing to having her with us on Linea days. Thank you.

  6. Somersault

    Oh, Louis, what a beautiful story! The abundance of your leaves are lush and lovely! There is a night blooming Morning Glory called a moon flower or moon vine. It it’s flowers are only white and they bloom at night and close in the morning. They are annuals in your area. You start them from seeds in a pot and once the weather is warm, plant in full sun and they will bloom in August through September and they are very fragrant. They smell so lovely on a warm summer night and shine so brightly at night. God has blessed you and Jac is never, ever far away. It is a comfort for you when she stops by to say hello! oxoxoxoxo Cat

  7. Cheri

    Dear Louis. What a beautiful message from your beloved wife. Just letting
    You know she is with you everyday. I believe in signs our loved ones send us
    So we know they are always with us. It is always so special and they seem to know
    When we need the special signs. Treasure your memories they are something
    No one can take away. God bless you. CheriaT

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