……………..When, to my surprise, the buyer asked me for a third color for this blazer….PORT was my immediate answer. It is such a deep rich color, and I already new it would be beautiful because of the Port coat, photo to the upper right……..Now, there isn’t a port pant in this fabric, and that was done on purpose. There was already the PORT Super Ponte BC pant, and the Port WK Pant plus the Port WK new pencil skirt…..so there are many many options to create a suited column of exquisite color look….and THEY ALL WORK!……..The PORT BLAZER with the BLACK PANT and the BLACK ASYMMETRIC NECKLINE MOSS CREPE TOP, A341728…..is so darn CHIC! I love the unexpected, edgy neckline under the blazer…………………If you were unable to get the Port Blazer coat, and you still want an outwear piece to wear over your Port Blazer…….one is coming…..check out the photo to the lower right…..OOPS….another sneak peek!……The suit will be featured on the Sept 7th, 6:00pm QVC1 show……so keep looking for posts on the QVC Linea site……………………….enjoy…………………..much Love………………Louis


This Post Has 23 Comments

  1. Barbara in Virginia

    I’m with Jac, Louis. Heavier weight blazers are hard to find. I had one made for me in Spain several years back and wore it until it finally fell apart many years later. Port has my name on it! I don’t have much need for a full matched suit these days and also have several from you going back many years. I’ll wear the Port blazer more casually with your jeans-cut pants as well as several colors of the Super Ponte pants. With jeans as well! How is the sizing on this one? I will likely be wearing it over layers underneath so may need to size up. Regular Linea size or up one?

    1. Julie

      Goldie yes, as fans of Port we are all Portly! I can’t wait to see what other Port surprises Louis is bringing!

  2. Karen in WA

    Will there be any WK scarves this year? I like a scarf with leather.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      No….they never sell well so they weren’t reordered.

      1. Goldie76

        Are we talking your PERFECT Whisper Knit scarves here? Not ordered? What was not to love?

        Their biggest fan weeps…

        1. Louis Dell'Olio

          Goldie….that’s is the $64,000 question, even Lou my dog sitter wants more. He told me it is the best scarf he’s ever worn. I don’t get it either. They should have flown out the door, but they didn’t…..so no reorder for now.

          1. Goldie76

            I wonder if the hesitation was because some, as I did at first, thought the dimensions might be too small for desired coverage. Also, as I did originally, they might have thought the scarf — without a wool or cashmere content at all –might not really be warm.

            Once I owned these scarves and wore them, I discovered that the dimensions were actually preferable to my typically larger cold-weather scarves. Really. As for warmth, other than on the most frigid of days, I think most would be toasty and warm in the WK scarves.

            A real loss. I was dreaming of more colors. They were soo cozy! Nothing out there to take its place.

            1. Goldie76


              Is this really true? More and unexpected Port items to come? I am dizzy with delight!

              When someone says I am “Portly,” they will mean the color.

          2. Julie

            How disappointing about the scarves, I LOVE them! The only color I didn’t get was the Paradise Red & I’m still kicking myself over that! I would have loved a Port scarf.

            1. Goldie76

              Oh, Julie. The thought of a Whisper Knit scarf in Port. My heart is broken because of this missed opportunity.

              I’ll focus on the jacket — how it fits the models when presented, etc., and see if it is for me. I have the topcoat from last year, the WK skirt, the cardigan, the moss crepe outfit and tights in Port, but I will wonder for a long time what it would have been like to have the WK scarf, too, in that same rich shade.

            2. Goldie76

              Forgot to mention that I also have the WK pant and dress in Port.

              My closet is a mini-Portlandia.

            3. Louis Dell'Olio

              There are still more surprises in PORT to come and nothing like what you have or what I’ve shown.

  3. Ann

    The port leather has my name on it! It’s going to be hard to wait until October!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Not so hard….it’s still in the 80″s….LOL

  4. Grace

    I have the port blazer coat, ponte pant & skirt, and will also get this jacket. Gorgeous color.

    1. Grace

      Oh, and that leather coat!!!! Wow.

  5. Marta - NCGal

    Louis does the rose shadow blouse and the port mockneck work with the port blazer?

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Yes, the colors are perfect together. All Port WK will match

  6. Seka

    The Sneak Peek of the October Big Deal is gorgeous! The leather even in the photo looks so soft! Love that it has buttons – love the collar – love how the sleeve is mix of leather/knit – and length looks perfect!

  7. Melissa W

    Oh my. That sneak peek. I know I’m in Florida, but I have a black leather jacket that I always wear when it gets chilly. Time for an update. I might need this leather coat(?) depending upon how heavy it is. I’m hoping it doesn’t have a warm lining. Can you divulge any more details??

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      too early…..they don’t like to divulge Big Deals

      1. Melissa W

        Oooooh! Well I will be looking forward to the big deal then!! Thanks Louis!

  8. Dawn

    Hi Louis!

    By far one of my favorite colors. I gravitate towards your wine,aubergine and blackberry. The pics to the far right that you mentioned have me drooling. Do I need anymore Port? I have to check to see how fitted my blazer cost is and whether I can wear this new jacket underneath. The leather is outstanding and I have no leather in this coloration. I have enough black but may need the pants in this fabrication.

    Thanks for all the detailed pictures and info. It really helps me in my budgeted decisions.


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