……………………………THE FACETED 4 ROW GLASS BEAD AND CRYSTAL FIREBALL NECKLACE IS NOW POSTED!!!!!J358185, is the style number……..This is a magnificent piece, and not one you are likely to ever see again! This was a piece I did at Anne Klein for the Couture Line, as you can see in the photos at the bottom. If you really want to make an entrance that they will remember long after the night is over…..combine it with the Tuxedo necklace and earring set, J358187…..Absolutely JAW DROPPING!…..Every color is incredible in the faceted glass. They have such life, depth and sparkle…..This is the last Linea Jewelry piece of 2018……In this necklace………You will BEDAZZLE!………………………Happy Holidays………………………….much Love……………………………..Louis

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Linda in Ca

    Gorgeous…..going to order it now. Already ordered the tuxedo set, not sure at my height( or lack there of) that I can pull them off together , but I know that I will use both. Can’t wait to receive them. Thank you , Louis.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Linda of course you can!!!! It’s REALLY ALL ABOUT ATTITUDE. Iris Apfel is my style guru! Yes I realize for most she is way over the top, but let me tell you…..she’s a tiny woman, and when you meet her you never think that way. You just think, “WOW, this woman has such incredible personal style!”. Wearing the torsade and the “tuxedo necklace” together is tame next to what Ms. Apfel puts together. I only suggest….when your all done up….makeup and outfit on….then try layering the jewelry and see how comfortable you are…..Remember you are the STAR.

  2. Goldie76

    Blue still beckons…

      1. Goldie76

        You said the magic words, Louis. “…deep cobalt…” I’m a fool for that color.

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