Please check out my “IMPORTANT DATES” as changes have been made. The 14th is canceled and the 17th of June has been added at 6:00pm which works out much better for me Other dates have been changed and Jennifer will be doing the 6/11 and 6/12 shows. It was just too much for me to go back and forth and prepare for all of these appearances………………………………..much Love………………………..Louis

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Sarah

    Thanks Louis for the update. I will miss you, but I’m glad
    you are not overdoing it with multiple drives to QVC in a short span of time.
    Jennifer does a good job, and I did buy a pair of the white jeans based
    on her mentioning how she just pulls them up instead of
    unzipping/unsnapping. That has worked well for me and I’m thinking I may need another pair.
    Your jewelry has been getting a lot of compliments. If Egyptian gets reordered I will
    have sold at least one or two in silver for you. I have my eye on basketweave in silver when it arrives.
    Enjoy the holiday weekend.

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