……………………….TURQUOISE………………………..or AQUA………………….both describe this COOL WATERY COLOR………..It’s all so easy and breezy when worn with the CRINKLE GEORGETTE sheer white safari shirt [same fabric as the skirt]. Relaxed, and ready for a lazy afternoon of sight seeing in Venice, or sitting under some trees, where there’s a cool breeze, at the out door restaurant in Torcello……oh what a wonderful dream! …….Back to reality for most of us……Ok, sitting under a tree, where there is a cool breeze, at a local favorite restaurant…..where there is out door seating……still not bad!…….Where ever you are going….or not, I can guarantee that you will be comfortable and cool in your Tie dye skirt!………On my lady the BEDOUIN necklace in the BLACK/TURQUOISE/RED and DILL, again mixed with the Black Ring necklace……………………………enjoy………………………much Love…………………………Louis

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. queendiva

    Louis- I am all over that Bedouin necklace!
    You are killing it with your jewelry this season. You talked me into the entire Massai suite, which I am waiting to receive and I am also falling for that rose gold fish.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear queendiva…..it has become my mission and goal to make the Linea Collection of Fashion Jewelry not only the best at QVC, but in the market place in general. I am striving to make each piece better and better. If I don’t like it….we don’t sell it. There have been quite a few pieces that didn’t cut the mustard. I’m sure they would have been fine for someone else’s line but not for Linea. I really don’t want the jewelry to HAVE to depend on the apparel to be relative, even though many pieces were designed with some apparel in mind. They ALL have to STAND ON THEIR OWN……I am happy you are finding things you like!

  2. Cela

    Well now I suppose I’ll have to get this one for my turq tank.
    It’s my favorite color combo ( turq and white accented with red) for the season. It says it all.
    But I can’t stop looking at the necklace, it’s really a strong statement with the Lord of the Rings
    necklace. So updated and fresh and Powerful. Love it!

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