………………………..DARK CHOCOLATE is an extremely hard color to find in tops. Every single time I have offered this or a similar color it is always the first to sell out. That could also be because it is the colors they order the least quantity in…………I love it with gleaming WHITE as seen at the far left with the Ponte pencil skirt, or a more subdued combination with the new BEIGE CAPRI PONTE PANT, A351410…..or at the far right with the new ESPRESSO FLORAL CROP PANT……It is a top that can be worn all year, and will work with so many things you already own. It looks great with natural hemp linen or maybe you still have the natural Herringbone pants from years past…….Shop your closets….there will be endless possibilities of things you can pair with this Dk. Chocolate top……….New necklaces coming soon, at the left, are the SWIRL NECKLACE and EARRING set, worn with the PINEAPPLE PENDANT NECKLACE……..The color above is Antique GOLD with Honey. To the right I have paired the BLUE POMPEII NECKLACE and EARRING set with the Blue floral pant and Chocolate top………….Three fabulous ways to look with one beautiful top…………………………enjoy………………………Much Love…………………Louis