……………..I love the Fall season, but I feel sad when the flowers start to fade and die. I make sure I’m not home when Franco has to cut them down and empty the pots to be stored for the winter…..As I go through the winter months I look ahead to spring when I can plant my pansies again………………..enjoy……………………..much Love………………………….Louis

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Sallie

    Absolutely breath-taking. Love the mix of colors and the little vignettes throughout your property, Louis. Must give you so much joy….and peace.

  2. Carolyn Muse

    Good morning Louis, Thank you for sharing your beautiful gardens with us. Your gardens are beautiful like your sweet spirit. Thank you for all you do for us. P.S. Thanks for showing the great ideas you put together for Chantal. It helps with our selections for vacations. She looks fantastic!

  3. Jane J.

    Louis, Beautiful flowers, beautiful gardens! I know how much work this takes. Kudos to you and Franco!

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