……………………….EL MOROCCO was a fabulous haunt of the rich and famous from the 30s to the 50s and 60s. A sumptuous dinner club for the “Cafe Society”, which consisted of socialites, politicians and entertainers. Every night till dawn it was a “Who’s Who” of the rich and famous. Jerome Zerbe was the clubs photographer, and everyone wanted their picture taken, because they knew it would be in the papers the next day. El Morocco never needed to be named. Just seeing the celebrities sitting in the famous blue and white ZEBRA banquets said it all. Those in the know knew exactly where the picture was taken…………….A stunning cocktail dress was the uniform, and BLACK was the most popular….The LBD……All it needed was to be dressed up with beautiful jewelry that could easily be seen above the table tops…. Those who didn’t want to come off ostentatious wore GORGEOUS GOLD with a sprinkling of DIAMONDS………El Morocco was located at 154 East 54th Street…..right around the corner from Parson’s School of Design. I would pass it every morning and every evening on my way to and from school…..Sometimes I would leave school so late I would see the patrons enter the club…..It was very exciting. Even as student we all knew El Morocco!….I wanted to dress those women, and eventually I did…………………The necklace and Earring I’m featuring is named “El Morocco” in honor of the club, and all the women who crossed its’ threshold………….J483112 is the style number for the necklace. The intricately linked GOLD chain is solid metal, so there is weight to this necklace, but that only makes it feel all the more expensive………The MAGNETIC PAVE BALL is GOLD with CLEAR CRYSTALS…..sorry no diamonds, but we can dream! The only time you would have to unclasp it is if you want to wear it doubled, but you would have to have a slim neck to do this. You can wear the Pave Ball off to the side, the way I like it, or at the bottom, or sometimes even at the back not showing at all depending on what you are wearing….The Ball has a RIGHT and a WRONG way of connecting the two halves. It will become obvious to you upon examination…….It can be worn casually with jeans a blouse or tee in the summer…perfect for the South of France……….or dressed up with your LBD……….The Pave Domed Earring comes matching in the GOLD with CLEAR CRYSTALS….J483106 is the style number, and will be avail both CLIP and PIERCED. It’s avail in FIVE METAL COLORS, all with clear crystals, to go with everything you own…..This is a wonderful stand alone earring, and when you want just a little sparkle at your face, this is the one you will choose……..There are so many outfits you can wear this with….a fabulous suit like the Scarlet Red, Dark Forest Green, Caramel and of course Black. It will look fabulous with your new PLAID BLAZERS too……………..This, as they say, is a “Moneyed Look”……….Sophisticated and Chic with lots and lots of CLASS!…………….enjoy………………….much Love……………….Louis

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Sheila

    Now you see, Louis, THIS is why I end up with so much fabulous Linea Jewelry–because I buy the same piece in multiple colors–have to have the Gold in this—but the Gunmetal is calling me, too! I’m soooo glad Carol has me beaten in the Linea jewelry count–makes me feel positively restrained!!!


  2. Dawn

    Hi Louis!

    You never fail to tell us an interesting story behind one of your creations. I enjoyed the backstory of “El Morocco”. There was also Les Ambassadeurs Club, London, WI.

    Back in the day my parents would cross the line and go into the “City” with a few other couples for an evening to have dinner, cocktails, catch a show and dance. They went to many clubs: El Morocco (307 E. 54th St.) Latin Quarter (Barbara Walters), Toots Shor (Jackie Gleason), Julius Monks (Plaza), Perez Blanco’s (Plaza), Wednesdays, Stork Club, Ginza Disco, Tavern….Green, and the list goes on.

    I have a large container with old matchbooks and found an El Morocco matchbook with its blue and white tiger theme. Also all the other clubs listed above I have matchbooks, stir sticks and table drumsticks.

    One of these days I’ll let you in on a tidbit of “Babes” family.


  3. Carol

    These pieces are really both lovely and practical. How could they ever go out of style. I will have to wait to order mine until I return from my upcoming trip, but I’m definitely in for several colors of the earring and probably two of the necklace. I don’t have Sheila’s courage to count up all my Linea jewelry pieces, but I’m pretty sure I have her beaten! The grapevine is also on my list of must haves. My husband makes wine and we belong to a couple of wine societies, so winemaker jewelry is something I”m always interested in.

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