………………………SILVER……………….is a big WOW……..If you are a silver lover this is a must have. It just looks incredible on any grey color from the lightest, iciest grey to the deepest charcoal. Where it now….wear it in the summer when you’re in all WHITE….a white tee and white jeans with silver sandals or BALLET FLAT like the one Sam Edleman is selling…..a powerful yet simple look……..I think you all know when it comes between silver and gold…..I prefer gold….I’m a Leo and that’s the way we are…sun worshipers……..but I don’t think I could pass this necklace up in the silver! In many of the photos I have two necklaces which looks incredible……LIQUID SILVER…………………….enjoy…………………….much Love…………………….Louis

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. April

    Huh. I don’t remember that sweater at ALL. 🙁

  2. April

    Is that THE perfect WK T neck sweater I have been hoping for, lo these many years, that you have that shiny new trinket to dazzle our eyes draped over? And WHAT about those pants!? That’s my get up, in those colors, right there. I have been wishing for THAT sweater from you for so long, I’d given up hope. AND, the sun’s out today here in Buffalo. Now, even my coffee tastes better, and my corgi seems to be shedding less.

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