……………………..I designed these beautiful GLASS FACETED BEAD necklaces and earring  sets, J487249, and the wrap COIL BRACELET, J487247 to go with the JAC’S GARDEN BLOUSES and SCARVES…..The necklace at the lower left on the turquoise scarf is the “TURQUOISE” necklace with GUNMETAL CHAIN. It is approx 42 inches long with a three inch extender. The glass beads are truly beautiful, and the variety and uniqueness of the beads makes the combination of transparent, translucent, opaque and iridescent tinged beads wonderful to look at……The opaque Turquoise beads are an exceptional color, and work beautifully with the blouse……On the Red, Ivory and Black prints there is one necklace that works with all of the colors. It is called “MULTI”…….However the COIL BRACELET that matches is called “COBALT” instead of “MULTI”. I have no idea why there is a color name change since they are exactly the same……One of those unexplained mysteries…LOL…..If you like to mix and layer, the J390565, is the perfect choice. They are light and delicate with their spaced out faceted glass beads, and add no weight. The very last quantities of these sets are now at a REMARKABLE reduced price……..These types of GLASS  beads always work with so much, and always sell out. Once they sell out I will  discontinue them, as I have done in the past, for future glass bead necklaces…….These necklaces will last a lifetime and will be passed down to future young ladies who are bewitched by the beautiful glass………………………..enjoy…………………..Much Love……………………..Louis