……………………This GREY is a beautiful SOLID color. You would think grey would be an easy color to achieve, but it is not. Some are too purple, some too yellow. For me this is a clean pure Grey. Going forward I will probably use this as my Dark Grey solid standard. In the Grey color there will be the BIG DEAL CARDIGAN, the sleeveless TURTLE NECK, the long WK SKIRT, and the new Super Ponte Slim pant. The Bisque/Grey jewelry looks wonderful with the solid Grey and these WK pieces work perfectly with the Bisque apparel. In Oct. there will be a fabulous boucle tweed jacket in Bisque and Grey that coordinates with both colors. There will also be the small animal print in the Bisque and Grey to blend with it all…..At the right you see the Lace Inset top in the Graphite with the two grey bottoms. At the top I’ve layered the lace top for fall with the grey sleeveless TN, and at the bottom the Bisque tank…..The BEIGE CHANTILLY PEARLS are a perfect compliment to both the lace top and the Bisque color….I truly believe these Grey pieces can become the backbone, and essential to your solid wardrobe…………………………………………………

enjoy………………much Love………………Louis

This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. Grace

    Sheila, you hit the nail on the head. Now I know why I love this grey so much–reminiscent of an iconic Catholic school girl uniform! This grey in a pleated skirt, navy blazer with crest, crisp white shirt…Classic. I loved a uniform then and I love it now 😉 Although, we can leave the saddle shoes behind us! LOL

  2. Sheesh

    Hi, Louis. I want to remind everyone that you also did a Boot Cut Heathered Charcoal Ponte pant a few years ago to go with the Heathered Charcoal Whisper Knits. See your Sneak Peek from September 2015–you did a matching blazer with faux leather lapels. I have all those Heathered Charcoal pieces except the blazer. Of course, that won’t stop me from getting the new perfect Dark Grey pieces. They will be my Daytime Uniform–an old Catholic School girl always needs a new uniform! All the best, Sheila

  3. luvitorleaveit

    Thanks Louis for the info. I do own the grey TN swing sweater but all my fall/winter pieces are packed away as you can imagine with this heat but my WK tank tops are never put away. I am still grabbing a couple of the new dark grey pieces.

  4. Chris/Jazzmom

    I wore the plum tank today with the older plum jewelry. I received the bisque tank & as Louis said, the alabaster is not a Goid combination with the bisque, I don’t really like the bisque next to the plum. With my coloring, medium fair olive, it’s not great on me. The two colors do not look good together IMO.

    I may consider the plum jacket as that looks well with my coloring,

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Chris you are right in your assessment of the color combinations. Plum does not look good with the Bisque. For a light shade to mix with Plum…Ivory or Off White is the way to go. Bisque looks best with the classic, Black, Navy, Grey and certain Tans, Chinos and Browns

  5. Carol

    So does the Light Heather Gray work with the new Dark Gray, or is that too yellow also? Maybe since they are such different tones the difference in hue isn’t as noticeable? Would you put the long cardigan in light heather gray with the sleeveless t-neck in dark gray? Also, do you like the old dark heather gray with the new Plum?

    Sorry to ask if you’ve answered this already, but did you at some point say that there is a new long sleeve wk turtleneck coming later this year?

    I’m all in for the plum and the dark gray. Love these new colors.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Carol….sorry for the late reply….I had to fish out the light grey from storage since we are no longer selling it…..YES, they look great together!

  6. Grace

    Louis, I hate to sound like a broken record on each of these gorgeous colors for fall, but this dark grey is perfection. It’s a no-brainer decision to also get all the grey WK pieces and, of course, the tweed jacket in grey & bisque. Just wow and thank you.

  7. Cela

    Oh Yeah! Now you’re TALKING !!!

  8. luvitorleaveit

    Louis how does this dark grey compare to the dark heather grey WK cropped cardigan and mockneck you brought to us a couple of years ago? I am hoping the dark grey ponte knit pants work nicely with all my WK grey pieces…. I agree a grey tank top would be my pick too.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear luvitorleaveit…..I would love to report that the two greys are perfect together, but they aren’t. Since all of my dark heather grey sweaters are basically the same color [it’s the only dk heather grey the factory produces]. I tried the pant with the WK TN swing sweater. The TN compared to the new grey pant has a slight yellow cast making the pant look like it has a slight blue cast. Are they horrific together? No…..but I would have liked a better blend, and I think many of you would agree.

  9. Chris S.

    This is a beautiful color. I’m also a grey lady with my white hair, but I’m more likely to wear a tank than a turtleneck. I have all of the heather charcoal grey pieces and am also wondering if this dark grey looks good with with those pieces.

  10. Chris/Jazzmom

    Dark grey is the new black. Would love a tank in this color.

  11. Louise


  12. Ellen

    Hi Louis…beautiful grouping. I am a gray girl…literally. Will there be a matching gray tank? Please say yes!!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Ellen….if it were up, to me there would be tanks in every color, but alas there isn’t one. I will definitely keep it in mind in the future.

  13. CGee

    Elegant! Does this Dark Grey combine well with the older Heather Charcoal Grey pieces?

  14. Shay

    Worth the wait:) I love the “just rightness” of this new gray-not too dark, not too light-just right. It looks like the bisque blazer for me, so I can pair it with pieces in this gray. Then in October the tweed jacket will be just what I need:)

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