I have decided there has been enough commentary about my statement. I will trash all comments whether they agree or disagree, pro or con with what I said. I see now that it was a big mistake and opened the door to all kinds of statements, both true and false. A lot of assumptions have been made about what I believe in, and from comments made I can see it goes far beyond what I said….so I will put an end to it on my website…I will trash any references because we should ALL MOVE ON…..I’s rather not be a policeman of my own website so please refrain…….I hope you understand.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Deirdre

    Happy New Year, Louis!

    In the spirit of moving on, I want you to know that shortly before year end, I ordered a pair of your sequined pants in midnight blue. They are currently in transit. I have no idea when or where I will wear them, but I know there will be celebrations in our future. My purchase was made in the hope and conviction of better times ahead! Thank you.

  2. Louis Dell'Olio

    I haven’t been here for a while so I’m just catching up.

  3. Jackie

    You’re in charge. Happy to hear your decision and will enjoy coming back to this blog for all the good stuff!

  4. Chris/Jazzmom

    ‘Your blog, your rules & your free speech’. Amen. Happy new year!

  5. Anonymous

    Thank you!

  6. Anonymous

    Perfect. Thank you.

  7. Wendy Campbell

    Dear Louis,
    Happy New Year! I hope this year will be full of special and wonderful surprises for you and all your lovely Linea Ladies! Much joy, good health, and prosperity to all!

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