……………………….Today everyone is Irish………………..Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone!

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  1. Grace

    I’m late to the party, but a belated Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all! I’m 90% Irish, acc to that DNA test, so I grew up with a lot of Irish relatives who celebrated March 17th in NJ like it was Christmas! Corned beef, cabbage & boiled potatoes was our family dinner with plenty of beer to go around & stories told. My German grandmother made the soda bread every year! Wonderful memories of those beloved relatives who ingrained in me an appreciation for my courageous great grandparents (a lawyer & governess), who traveled from County Mayo and Galway to start anew in New York City. Because of them, all things were made possible for me and prior generations. Yesterday, I wore my Linea “Spring Green” WK sweater (the long one with the center split at the bottom) and I “celebrated” by getting my second Pfizer vaccine shot! Hope everyone enjoyed their day.

  2. Anonymous

    Happy St Patrick’s Day Louis!☘️

  3. Barbara in Virginia

    I actually go back to “Strongbow” and his Irish princess wife. The lived in the 12th century, but I am told that their DNA is still in my blood. Strongbow is considered the liberator of Ireland. (There are others of that time period I would prefer NOT to carry their DNA!) Their effigies are in the Cathedral in Dublin, although I have never visited them there. I have a large collection of Irish sweaters and always pull one out for Saint Patrick’s day. Dinner tonight was corned beef, cabbage, new potatoes, and Soda bread. I am Irish one day of every year!

  4. Irene

    Happy Saint Patrick’s day to all ☘
    Just finished a delicious Irish dinner!
    Tied my outfit for the day with a Linea scarf. Navy with lighter blues,mint &daffodils from several years ago. So pretty, so spring !

  5. Andrea

    Pine tank under the plum cardigan and plum super ponte pants

      1. Mary

        Hope everyone had a great st Patrick’s Day

  6. Michelle

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day to the Linea ladies!

    Elaine, my great aunt would always make corned beef and cabbage for my Dad. As kids, we loved St. Patrick’s Day, but boy did we hate that corned beef and cabbage for dinner! Lol. It was a tough choice deciding which of my green Linea pieces to wear today. It was chilly this morning, so I went with my green WK v-neck sweater over Jac’s blouse (in white). I hope all of you have wonderful day.

  7. Smita

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all!!! God bless , be well and happy.

  8. Elaine

    Happy St. Paddy’s to you too Louis!

    My Italian grandmother would always make corned beef and cabbage for her Irish son-in-law, my Dad, I’d make the Soda Bread. She’d also bake some cannellini beans with brown sugar and bacon. Don’t know that idea came from but it was good! LOL

    Have a wonderful day,

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Jac used to make corn beef and cabbage and boiled new potatoes only on St Pat’s Day. I loved a good corn beef….lots of mustard and soda bread, and some beer to wash it down. Jac didn’t like corn beef and had a small piece, but she liked lots of cabbage and two potatoes!….more for me!

  9. Cela

    I’m looking at my green long leather jacket with suede
    Ankle pants to match. Glad I got in. Did you know all the long leather jackets are gone! There’s now an “I’m
    Sorry” message. Happy St. Patrick’s!!!

  10. Sylvia

    Happy St Patrick’s Day to all!!!! My green is the shantung lime green.

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