………………………The Elongated jacket was a major silhouette in the Spring 1991 collection….The very narrow over lap of the Double Breasted crepe blazer kept the line long and lean. The cut away bottom gave relief  to what could have looked more like a coat…I showed the Hot Pink blazer over a Red tank and red pencil skirt….The jewel necklace has an interesting story…………One of my all time favorite si-fi movies was…….”THE FORBIDDEN PLANET”…….Anne Francis was at her most beautiful, and wore beautiful clothes that ROBBIE THE ROBOT would whip up for her at a moments notice……He also, at her request, would make her the most beautiful NECKLACES of precious stones. These took a little longer to make…LOL……Anyway, the necklaces he made for her looked like the one above…..strands and strands of faceted jewels spaced out on fine chain. They were essentially BIB necklaces that filled in a decollete….The long drop earrings matched.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Cela

    I remember Robbie the Robot and Anne but I think it was the Rod Sterling version. Anne looked a lot like
    Bridget Bardot, with the little mole on her lip, that’s going waaaay back Louis. But that’s what Thursdays are all about! Classics , yeah!!! What a perfectly stunning Pink!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      The movie was 1956 and directed by Fed Wilcox. I don’t think Rod Sterling had anything to do with it.

      1. Cela

        It’s all a blur and I’m not sure if I even saw the movie.
        Maybe through promotion or a tease of the movie I remember Anne Francis and the robot and the way she
        spoke to him in a timid way. I thought, for some reason
        she was a little afraid of him. LOL. But I can’t recall the storyline, or sets, or characters or outfits he made for her! How cool is that? I’ll. look for the movie online.

        1. Louis Dell'Olio

          Robbie was her best and only friend…it’s a fun movie, and was nominated for a few academy awards for sound and special effects

  2. Michelle

    The jewelry is gorgeous, Louis, along with the outfit! I’ve recently enjoyed wearing the cowrie shell necklace with all of my summer Linea outfits. I appreciate your craftsmanship and design more every time I wear that necklace. It takes me back to when I was a child collecting seashells on the beach, putting them up to my ear to “listen” to the ocean.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Michelle, I’m so glad you got that necklace. It is so much more beautiful in person. The proportion is perfect.

      1. Michelle

        It is, Louis. And every time that I wear the necklace, I get compliments. Like many of your necklaces, it’s a conversation starter.

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