…………………First, I want to thank everyone who was concerned for my safety!……….Henri turned out to be a non event where I live. There wasn’t any wind at all…so at high tide  [which was high also do to the full moon} there were NO waves to push the water on shore…..There was plenty of rain but my basement is dry…..so for me it wasn’t any worse than a rain storm. I’ve see where others got it much worst, but not in my area. There aren’t even any power shortages……….Again, thank you all for your concern……and good bye to Henri!

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Michelle

    That’s wonderful news, Louis. I know that this was a devastating storm for some parts of the East Coast. So glad to hear that you, Lou and the girls are safe, and that the house is undamaged.

  2. Sallie

    SO glad to hear that Henri was a non-event in your area, Louis. Great news that you and your property remained safe and unharmed.

  3. Karen in WI

    Glad to hear you are ok Louis! I was thinking if you when following Henri’s path. I am praying for those dealing with flooding and power outages.

  4. Suellen

    Relieved and grateful for this good report – – – now you can leave for Africa with a peaceful heart!

  5. Sarah

    Thanks for the fabulous update,

  6. Frieda

    So glad you are ok.

  7. CGee

    Thank you for letting us all know!

  8. Cathy in PA

    Hi Louis, Yay! We have heavy backlash rain here in PA, lots of local flooding but not here, even our basement is still dry. I keep others in danger in my heart, and we are delighted to hear you are safe 🙂

  9. Eline

    Thinking of you all day, Louis, very happy and grateful that all is well.
    All my family on the Island as safe and well too.
    Quiet in Manhattan, a day to catch up on reading.

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