‘DECEMBER 12TH 2021″

……………………On this day, December 12th, four years ago at approximately 3:40 in the afternoon my Jac left her earthly body for her final journey to Heaven…..to be with her Mom. When we learned that there was nothing else that could help her….no magic pill….she bravely told me she wanted to “go home to her mom”…..I promised her that I would make her wish come true…………promises made……………promises kept……I have read books about grief and loss, and have come to realize the tears I shed for Jac are…..”sacred tears”….”the deeper the love….the deeper the grief”…….Jac had a book called “Safe Passages” which she wanted with her when she was cremated. Months later I found another copy she had hidden for me to find…..She wisely knew I would need time before I could even open a book like this….She ear marked certain pages…….These are just two of the passages…………….”Rest assured that in her dying, in her flight through darkness toward a new light, she held you in her arms and carried your closeness with her. And when she arrived at God, your image was imprinted on her joy filled soul”………………”I lie in the dark….aware that in the distance…the music of life is playing. Even in my grieving for you, I am drawn to the sounds and my body begins to stir……Your voice, next to me in the night…gives me a little nudge……”Go ahead Dance”…….So I stand up, still clothed in darkness, and held up my arms. A long twirl, a low dip. Silently, I come to life like a marionette who has been touched by magic…..Please don’t give me away…..not yet…..I’m not ready for anyone to know I’m dancing in the darkness”………………..When ever I am at my lowest I reach for this book for a message from Jac, and the page I open to always seems to be just the right message…..of course it is….it’s Jac’s message to me……..I don’t always feel better, but I know Jac is with me and always will be……………..I chose this picture of Jac at sunset on the Island of Anguilla. It was our “HAPPY” place where we were our most relaxed, and just enjoyed and loved being together. When I saw the sun’s setting light on her she was so beautiful, and it was truly heavenly. I had to capture the moment……..I believe I did………Today Lily and Ellie’s ashes [Elizabeth, Margret, Taylor, Dubelle, Dell’Olio] will be joining Jac in the sea….I’ve been saving Ellie’s ashes for so long, but now is the perfect time……….I know they will be happy to be together again, and Jac can spoil them in heaven……………….Another day closer my sweetheart.

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. TL

    Hi Louis. Who is the author of Safe Passages? Thank you for sharing such beautiful stories with us.

  2. Carolyn Muse

    So beautiful Louis. God Bless you and give you strength. Such a lovely tribute to your beautiful Jac.

  3. Laura Ludwig

    Thinking of you. It is a lovely tribute. I can’t believe it has been four years since she passed.

    Your traveling lady


  4. Cela

    ❤️ from one soldier to another.

  5. Angela

    Beautiful 💕

  6. Anonymous

    Lovely picture. Jac looks so content. Isn’t this the photo that Jayne Brown used to paint Jac’s portrait?

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      No, it wasn’t this picture, but it was another taken at the same place a little earlier in the evening

  7. Frieda

    Peace and Love to you.

  8. CGee

    Louis, Thank you for sharing these comforting words and the beautiful photo on this sad day.

  9. Donna from California

    Louis, the first passage made me weep. Jac left you such comforting, personal messages. What a wonderful love you shared. My daughter often reminds me of a Dr. Suess quote when I talk about my husband who is deep into Alzheimer’s. “Don’t cry because it’s over – smile because it happened.” This simple statement makes me remember how lucky I was to have shared over 57 years of love with my husband. (Not to mention countless years of love with my dogs.) I’m not trying to offer meaningless platitudes… I guess I’m trying to say that I understand your grief. Thinking of you – especially today.

  10. sarah

    What a lovely photo- will be thinking of you as you spread more ashes in the sea today. You are an inspiration to me and I appreciate you sharing your thoughts.
    I will need to check out this book.

  11. Suellen

    Holding you in my prayers, Louis, as you honor your beloved Jac and give thanks for the many gifts and blessings of her well-lived life.

  12. Irene

    Dear Louis, My thoughts and prayers are with you on the anniversary of Jac’s passing.
    God bless you!!!

  13. sunbluesea

    You and Jac showed us the meaning of true and eternal love. You honor her memory so beautifully. May God give you strength and peace today.

  14. Susan (aka CarlyTwila)

    So very touching…my heart is with you. ❤️

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