……………………It was cold and crisp, but no wind so it was very comfortable walking around…..After the show we went for a walk around the tree and Rockefeller Center……The skaters were skating, and the MASSES of people were inching about looking at this and that taking lots of pictures and selfies……..There was a distinct odor in the air…….and it wasn’t balsam!!!!The smell of POT was very intrusive….I’m not against pot smoking, and I’ve been known to partake once in a while, but the pungent smell of pot, and the Christmas experience just don’t go together for me…….Give me the smell of a Christmas tree anytime………One thing I was oblivious to, but Kathy and her sister Nina mentioned to me, was the amount of security and police walking about…..even with sniffing German Shepherds! It was now time to eat, so we made our way to the restaurant which was a few minutes walk away!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Cela

    I sort of think of Rockefeller Plaza as an “Inside
    Version of Central Park”, with lots of nooks and crannies you can sit and look (even at the ice rink
    outside), shops, cafes, restaurants, endless stretches
    of “roads” to who knows where. You might even get lost as I’m sure lots of people do in Central Park. NYC is a treasure to
    The world.

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