…………………..There is a FASHION LINEA JEWELRY SALE GOING ON NOW!!!!!! It is for SELECT ITEMS!!! The sale ranges from 39% off to 59% off….plus FIVE EZ PAYS, and Free S&H and special items…………..Even all of the SILVER has FIVE EZ PAYS…………You have to read each item carefully to see which has what % off and which has free S&H….it’s all very random, but there are some great savings!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. sunbluesea

    Good afternoon, Louis…..I am catching up on your blog posts. You went to the beach and I went to the mountains. I am glad you had the chance to get away with a good friend and hope you had a wonderful time. I did the same…went to Colorado to visit my college roommate. She gave me a wonderful gift-Russian Ballet Theater’s performance of “Swan Lake”. (They are not associated with the Russian government and have many Ukrainian dancers in the company) It was spectacular.
    I wore your navy blue sequin pants with black whisper knit turtleneck and cardigan, black HIGH-heeled satin pumps with the silver buckle (MB kind) and the silver-ox knot-it-yourself lariat necklace and earrings. I was standing in the lobby during intermission when I heard a tiny adorable voice say forcefully…..”I like your sparkle pants!!” I looked down and an adorable 4 year old girl and future fashionista was standing there smiling at me lol!! You are popular with all ages!!
    We went to an Irish bar afterwards for a nightcap. The Irish owner said “A lady with sparkly pants needs a sparkly drink!!” and made a fabulous (and strong) dessert drink for us!! It was calorie-filled and FUN!
    It was so nice to have those pieces that pack beautifully, kept me warm and sooo comfortable but still made me feel special!!! LInea was, is and will always be the BEST!!!

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